It shows how good this game is that this is my biggest complaint as of now about it.
It just bothers me that we have so many cool looking off-hand books and tomes, like the Grimoir of Og’Napesh, Codex of Truth, Fiendgaze Tome, Helltome - all of which have a great sculpted detail plus visual effects on their cover!..
… which we will never see since our characters grips the books by the spine and holds the cover TO the body, as opposed to away from it.
So all these cool details, they are never seen, and we only get to see the less interesting back cover of the book.
It would be simple I feel to flip tomes around so their cover faces outside, away from the body, so we can see the details. Just a thought.
i actually agree with OP, holding grimoires with the cover out would be great. Spine of the book in the palm. Also makes sense because this is how it would be held if you were going to quickly look at the contents, which I guess it what we’re imagining our characters doing.
I kind of agree with the OP. Atleast when you get in combat mode i dont know ,open it up and look the same way as occultist does in his class image
As it is now it looks like he is holding a wooden plank
OK now you guys are getting carried away, flipping the mesh is one thing but changing the animation so they hold the book open isn’t going to happen…
Sword + board uses the same animations as sword + tome, you won’t see the open book caster in GD ever. Not unless you want the the player to attempt to read a shield in combat as well.
Yeah he did say this. I also don’t know what do people mean with “holding a book the right way”. Irl, I saw only one person holding a book like in OP’s screenshot, all others literally held it the other side, where the book opens. When I asked why they hold it like this, they responded that it doesn’t open and isn’t uncomfortable when you walk (it can open a little and some pages might get damaged while walking).
Pretty sure it’s never getting fixed, that’s why I always use “bound wraith” or its red legendary counterpart transmute (but +1 to suggestion just in case).
D3 did it right - Sorc had orbs kinda floating above it’s open palm - looked cool.
I was just talking about imagining the book being opened, to justify flipping the model around to position that would facilitate that. I think being able to see the cover is probably reason enough, if the change isn’t an issue technically.
Yeah that is unlikely to happen, the model was not made that way. But flipping the mesh for the books, that’d not be a gigantic change.
Happens to me all the time too.
D3 has book off hands too, they float above the hand the same way.
I generally do not use the illusionist, I prefer to have my character show what he/she is really wearing.
But that helm looks awesome. Curly horns… all the evil knights want curly horns on their helmets. I don’t own the helm yet so I never seen it on a character though.