Can we maybe have this feature so that it's not as janky as this?

Hello, i saw a few old topics regarding this, but they were going in circles without understanding each other.
I would like to play like in the following video, but without the jankyness of ui switching etc.

wasd gameplay grim down

as you can see in the video, emulating wasd to left joystick allows for almost perfect gameplay, the only issue being that the ui switches between the m/k one and the controller one. could there maybe be a tickbox in the controls options to enable only controller targeting and wasd to left stick.
Basically the exact thing that is happening in this video but without the ui changing.
It would not affect anything else in the game, just that instead of using controller, you can use the keyboard to control movement(i’m not saying that i want to aim with the mouse while this goes on, just enable the standard controller aiming like in the video without the ui chaning.)

It shouldn’t really be that difficult… and if we can’t have that, at least a tickbox that prevents the ui from changing so i can set-up actionbar hotkeys from normal keyboard keys, instead of emulating A B X Y from controller.

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