Canister Bomb

8 seconds is longer than 18 seconds, where did you learn your math??


Anyways i think means Damage to Cooldown ratio is inferior to Devastation

I agree with people, who say that canister should stay on longer cd, but higher damage (make it dedicated burn skill?). Gearwise, canister and grenado are supposed to be together imo, so canister should stay the rare one.

Even if they aren’t paired together i’d like more reasons to pick Canister Bomb than say “because i wanted to”

Grenado is single target but if i want i can also go for BWC if i wanted more AoE, Reduce damage and RR

Canister Bomb currently has nothing to it besides the shotgun against larger hitboxes which makes it mildly useful

So Canister Bomb is fine the way it is?

I mean the skill is unlocked later than Grenado and it’s shittier than Grenado which turns into a strong end game skill
Canister while having shotgun lays noob traps for newbies through that pointless transmuter

I think we have 3 pages saying it isn’t, we just kinda ran out of things to say about it. It’s fine mechanically, it just needs re-balancing, and badly. So… What else can we really say about it after that? The numbers have to be up to Crate, if and when they decide to humor us and re-balance the skill.


Well Zantai’s post here means atleast he read some of it if not all. I hope they do acknowledge the problem on their end

I wouldn’t have bothered making these threads, but what they did to Grenado surprised me considering it was very underused and now it’s turned it into this awesome skill

Let’s see what they do, i still stand by my opinion that a 3 point stun based transmuter is a bad idea and is the worst transmuter besides Discord (well Elemental sucks, what can i say)


An explanation/suggestion for Canister Bomb just crossed my mind yesterday night. We all know CB’s delivering Piercing damage strike us as very odd, but I think the explanation is that CB seems to work like a regular fragmentation grenade that delivers fragments/shrapnel upon detonation.

So to make it up for then cooldown it would be nice if piercing/bleeding dot damage would be added for its blast radius, meaning that besides burn and IT damage enemies caught in its detonation radius get peppered with fragments.

What do you think?

Elemental isn’t the best right now, but Inquisitor will probably change that. Maybe there’s some demo/inquisitor set which will focus exclusively on the bombing skills or something, who knows?

I was thinking of making a “worst skills of version” where we can all discuss bad skills in hopes of getting them addressed. Blade trap and canister bomb would probably be on the list, as well as Summon Familiar. I’ve been away from the game for a while so I’m not sure about the other skills, but it might be a good place to discuss skills like this instead of making topics about them separately.

Separate topics make focusing easier. It’s also easier to keep track of the various ideas, suggestions, and complaints.

EDIT: Also, to be fair… Familiar’s SKILL is just fine. It’s just that the ranged pet AI is awful. Rift Scourge is just as dense when you use that. Ranged pets just don’t work very well. If Familiar wasn’t quite so stupid, it’d be basically all right. Not like amazing, but all right.

Pretty much what Sheep said

A compilation of such threads or a TL;DR version with links wouldn’t hurt