Cannot activate skill in devotion "Azrakaa" (Shifting Sands) in Grim Dawn V1.1.9.7

Dear Crate Entertainment support team,

I tried to place the “Forcewave” skill to the “Shifting Sands” Ability of the devotion “Azrakaa”, but it does not let me place the skill in this devotion. I did not put Forcewave anywhere else and I tried any other skill after I cleared out all other devotions from skills.
It could be a bug or maybe a change from a previous patch, I missed the information. Unfortunately I did not find any skill list for Azrakaa or any other helpful information, so I hope you can help me with this issue. I tried to build up my warlord like this: Warlord, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Thank you for your help and have a nice day.

Sincerely yours

Works fine for me

Check you actually invested in the devo skill’s node

Hi Monceaux,

thank you for your fast response. While clearing out the Azrakaa devotion, I’ve seen that the last devotion point was missing, so it was not complete… default layer 8 error so far.
Thank you for your help, the problem is solved :slight_smile:


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