Can't Assign Skill Points

Nighttblade: 15 points available.
Dual Blade: 16/16 Trying to assign points to next skill in path I receive this message: "Requires 4 additional points in Nightblade.
Amarastas Blade Burst: 16/16 Trying to assign points to next skill in path I receive this message: "Requires 14 additional points in Nightblade.
Veil of Shadows 0/10 I can add 10 points to this, but still can’t get to the next skill in either of the first two catagories.
I tried to create a second class, but get a similar message indicating I need to add X addition points, which I can’t seem to do.
Level 16.

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Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

Because you need to put points into the mastery bar to reach those skills. That’s what the message is telling you. To reach the next skill in the Dual Blades line you need to put 4 points into Nightblade’s mastery bar. Then you’ll be able to put points into it. Same for Amarasta’s synergy skill - it needs you to put 14 points into the Nightblade mastery bar to unlock it.

Also it’s not a good idea to max out all skills early. I would remove most of those at the Spirit Guide in Devil’s Crossing and also use those to reach more skills.


That’s all you need to do.

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Thanks, that worked, and I’ll visit the Spirit Guide.