Can't Change Video Settings

Just bought a new computer (RTX 2060 if it’s any help), downloaded and installed GD.

The game starts in windowed mode and I want to change it to full screen plus a few other settings that I’d like to change but no matter what I do nothing changes. It’s just stuck at medium settings.

This happen to anyone?


Try verifying the game files.

Perhaps it has something to do with your firewall/virusscanner, or some file restriction (not enough administrator rights etc).

Could also potentially be a One Drive issue. Grim Dawns settings file is kept in \Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn…

It could be preventing changes from taking effect properly.

Thanks for your replies but just found the culprit. As you can see in the screenshot the “OK” button has a lighter shade in the top 1/3 of the box. Unless the mouse pointer is in that area it won’t register the input.

Hope this helps someone with a similar issue.

Just a guess here: this might actually be an issue with Grim Dawn and your scale/layout settings in Windows. Grim Dawn is known to have some problems if your ‘Scale and layout’ setting is over 125% I believe. Something you might want to look at or consider.

Just reporting that I have scaling set to 125% and got no issues.