I am relatively new to the game, so I looked up a build guide after respecing my stats. I needed to dismantle some components from my armor pieces to equip Ectoplasm. I went to Darlet, the Inventor, and after choosing “Keep Item” in order to remove the component, I can no longer add any component to my armor pieces.
I thought that maybe I was just confused somehow, so I went to re-equip the same component I just removed, and now it doesn’t let me equip that component either.

Attempting to re-equip Roiling Blood to my ring I had just removed it from
is your ring red before trying to add the component?
because then it means you don’t have the stats to wear the item atm
*this can happen if an attribute shuffle happened like unequipping an item that gave spirit or removing a component that gave attribute
i just realized, you can still slot comps in items you don’t meet requirement for
so, i’m thinking perhaps you’re dragging the component over the item to get the red block? (happens if left clicking component first)
you need to right click the component in inventory, then left click the item to apply it
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This was it! I feel so silly, thank you so much. I was going insane haha