me and my brother played grim dawn about a year ago and then we stopped but lately we decided to play again the only real difference is i got new internet since than, but every time we would try to join one another we first would get a lost connection screen which would cause grim dawn to freak out than when you would try to reconnect we would either just get a black screen or the game would crash. We tested our internet it would say we passed but mine would say it was going through multiple routers but still said I passed so I have no idea what that means or if thats important. any ideas on how to fix it. We have tried a lot of things but nothing seems to work. we don’t use the steam interface and when i try to join other people it does it no problem same with my brother but when we try to join each other the same problems keep occuring. any ideas?
Welcome to the forum.
See if anything here helps.
okay but we don’t have access to change the port so you keep suggesting this solutions as the fix. So what im understanding is im just out of luck. whats even dumber is that we can play with my other brother just fine no issues at all except for a few lag spikes but thats just internet and nothing to do with grim dawn itself. Im just bewilder as to why everyone says this is a common thing when this is literally never heard of this port thing with any other game except grim dawn. thank you for telling me essentially that there is nothing we can do and we are reliant on one player to all play together.
Because in other games you played you’re probably connecting to a central server hosted by the publisher. Then both you and your brother act as clients, which is easier to accomplish. No port forwarding to worry about. It’s publisher’s problem.
In Grim Dawn one player has to run the server and make sure that his brother can reach the specific port to act as a client. You’ve already seen the downside - sometimes it’s complicated to set up a clear route between players. But the big advantage is that multiplayer is in hands of community. Crate can never shut it down.
You can try the same thing which worked for me: a VPN client like Radmin or Hamachi. You and your brother will run this software to join a common network, as if you were sitting in the same house. This should ensure the host’s port is reachable for his brother.
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