Can't transfer my character saves to new laptop?

I just tried to move my character saves from my old laptop to this new one and the characters I imported aren’t showing up in game.
Any suggestions to fix this? I know I have the right location because my newest character save which I created on this computer is in the folder.

Same game version on both.

Worth noting for some reason my old computer was using
“C:\Users(my username)\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save”
But my new computer is using “C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\userdata\mynum\219990\remote\save\main”

This is very strange since it seems like it should be so straightforward

ok now I verified my files and each save has shown up 3 times. Maybe because I tried deleting and transferring them each a few times lol. But when I pick any of the new ones the character is level 1.

Do you have cloud saving enabled in Steam and ingame? That would probably make the files go into Steam.

I think you should still have a Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save folder on your laptop. If not create one and put the files in there and make sure cloud saving is disabled.

Thank you, I had it checked off in steam but not in GD. Silly oversight. Bless your soul now I can play GD in high settings.

Great! It’s these little things … :smiley:

I’ve no idea IF there’s any security risk, but the number between \userdata\ and \219990\ is a unique identifier for your account and as such I recommend (out of uncertainty) that no-one exposes that number as it’s linked directly to your Steam account.

Probably best to edit and remove that, I usually put \userdata\load of numbers\219990\etc :wink:

fixed, thanks