cast 2 at once?

we need a mod or tool or a way of casting 2 spells at once
im thinking of this coming from a shamen as ide like to cast both totems at once
is this possible or a way of setting up something to set off a preset combination of spells?

I think you want to look into AutoHotkey or something similar, it will allow you to setup macros to set off multiple spells with one keypress.

That or any of the free macro tools out there.

You can also use two hotkeys and bind them to the mousewheel so a quick up and down casts those two.

oooh good idea

Unfortunately that won’t allow him to actually cast them both at once, which it seems like he’s after.

The only skills I’ve found that don’t have any sort of global cooldown are pets. I use AutoHotkey to cast all 5 of my conjurers pets simultaneously, and they all appear together instantly. However, no other skills can do this. For example, if you bound a Storm and Wendigo totem to the same button, you’d still cast one, pause, then the other.

That is because the pet summon skill has an “instant cast” entry which if set to true makes it have no cast animation at all.
I found the wheel lets you use two skills in a pretty convenient way, I use it for flashbang and CB which are my two opener skills whenever I encounter mobs.

Autohotkey is best solution though, I even made weapon swap scripts with it so I can use devastation or two hand skills, but you have to give up component buffs obviously.