Casting Animation Problem Solution

I tried to make an Arcanist and immediately noticed a problem. I got Penetti’s and tried to cast it. My character made the casting animation without weapons. Basically my weapons show/hide in a split second. It looks like crap. The reason is probably that GD is based on the Titan Quest engine, which was designed for ancient combat, with the focus on melee and ranged fighting. In the ancient world there was no spell casting and its reflected in the design of the animation system of that engine. There is a simple solution to this animation problem which does not require changing the engine. There could be a little item, something like a “salve” or “coating” which would be applied to weapons (like augments). It would make them invisible. This way a caster would run with bare hands and the default unarmed casting animation could be played, which looks solid. This is a very simple itemization solution which will make all casters look much better in combat.