I want to know the order the game uses to calculate cooldown reduction on skills. Does the game calculate first the %CDR from items and then apply the flat CDR from mods? Or is it the other way around? If flat CDR applies first then it will make %CDR less effective, right?
I’ll give an example to make the question a little bit more clear. If i have an item that gives a -1 second cooldown to a skill with a cooldown of 3 seconds and i have 25% CDR then the result will change depending on the order the game calculates. If the game applies the 25% CDR first then it will reduce the cooldown by about 0.75 seconds and after that the -1 second is added for a total reduction of 1.75 seconds. If the -1 second comes first then the 25% will be calculated on top of the current 2 seconds cooldown which will result in an additional reduction of 0.5 for a total of 1.5 seconds thus making the %CDR less effective, overall.