Change the FX of BWC using conduit

I really love the new patch, especially hugh buff to BWC’s Demon Fire and the new lightning conversion Conduit. And it’s fit perfectly for my Cyclone Elementalist: (now build has both dam reduction and flat RR at the same time). But the FX of BWC is still all fire and burn, without any signs of lightning on it. Could dev pls change the FX to match the lightning concept of BWC in the new patch? tks so much (and sorry for my bad English)

They’ve spoken about changing the FX on Blackwater Cocktail and Dreeg’s Evil Eye before and have said they cannot do FX changes due to their transmuters changing the range on them creating issues with how they apply over. I’m assuming a swap for untransmuted BWC wouldn’t look right with the transmuter and vice versa and that they cannot do separate ones due to an engine limitation.

I’d personally love swaps for both skills but if it isn’t possible, we just have to make do.


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