Shard of the Eternal Flame is used mostly for Fire Forcewave and it’s great. However, the conversion on Vire’s Might Phy>Fire is useless because there is already a transmuter in skill line which is volcanic might. So this amulet gives extra abilities to Soldier and Demolitionist for fire and phys+trauma focused builds. As the amulet itself gives CDR and casting speed, I thought phys>fire conversion on Counter Strike’s flat or Retaliation Damage/ might be bleeding>burn too/ instead of Vire’s Might skill modifiers so that Commando(with grenado) or Warlord(Fire Aegis of Menhir) builds also can use it for more fire focused retaliation builds. Will it be too OP? It’s just an idea but Modifiers on Vire’s Might is definitely useless here so changing it would be a pragmatic choice.
FW modifier is also kinda useless as we have the same mod on Justicar’s gloves.
So it would be fine changing it to pierce-> fire, tho.
And probably for VM this amulet is useless too as there exists Vanquisher.
It could be lightning>fire to storm box of elgoloth so both Purifiers and Paladins can use it on their pure fire builds. I would say phys>fire on Aegis of Menhir but it would be too much OP with Canister Bomb combo, it will create perfect bomber shield thrower build.
Actualy this modifier will allow you to use fire Vire’s Might with an off-hand that is not Zarthuzellan’s Archive. It is a niche thing but it should stay. I love meme builds, so I say no.
And it will also decrease cooldown if you use Zarthuzellan’s Archive even more. So again I say no.
Not everybody wants to build around sets and it should be possible to avoid them. This allows it.
Its rather strange to use a skill and not to use a set dedicated specially to it. It’s like riding a bicycle without wheels.
I am actually utilizing amulet’s conversion on one of my builds. But fore Fire FW Warlords it’s indeed useless. It’s funny that Vanquisher doesn’t have this conversion and forces players to use green off-hand or a two-hander but this amulet which is partially meant for two-handers does.
Set forces you to use some skills. You want to perhaps do something totally different. Happend to me many times. But I always build strange things
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