Channeling, Stationary, Pseudo-melee, Charges XD

Better yet, feel free to start a thread instead of filling the dev update with your armchair design, thanks!


What makes you think it’s armchair? Have you seen the armchair design of CC vs channelling in your game? There’s no way you won’t get CC interrupted within the 4-5 seconds cast time, and to double down on it your team came up making it melee-range immobile which makes it even worse? Even with 99% CC resistance, the skill is still doomed by that 1% that remains. How come in your game you can have +x% maximum CC res stat but you never use it on anything? It would fix so many issues with channeling skills. Should I also mention disruption making no sense of existence other than to f* up specifically channelers?

@Zantai Also please come up with a normal thread name.

It suits you well


Visually it looks about as big as FoI cast, except in 360. Is FoI a dead on arrival bad skill?

Like, it has issues, but on face value this one is just straight better.

FoI doesn’t need charge up though, so it doesn’t care anywhere as much with being interrupted I believe. Dead on arrival I guess, at least to me doesn’t match the game’s gameplay setting.

Why so serious?

This was my immediate concern.

I managed to come up with a nice thread name consisting of possible tags for that skill. Sounds just as absurd as I thought when put up together and so is the skill. :rofl:

the thread name is perfectly appropriate. You aren’t the first one setting up shop here


I think it’s perfect now.

I also like to make judgments of skills i have never used and don’t know the damage numbers, effects and so on.

Can’t wait for these skills to actually be busted on release because the new mastery is always busted on release.

Naw the prior thread title was much more spot on in terms of description.

Only a hand full of people play the dumpster fire of a game so…at least everyone playing will know about your feedback?

Lol at this guy. Diablo 2 had 2 Nova skills, both of which were extremely popular and are popular to this day (just look at the builds in various D2 mods). With teleporting, standing still for a couple of seconds is a very welcome change of pace.

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Sorry, but this skill is just pointless. Mark my words. See you on release. Hopefully it’ll be just as tragic on release as it is on paper as of now. Combining all of that in one skill simply doesn’t make any sense for anything. It may come up as the worst choice of skill for 1vs1 bosses who don’t have fast attacks/cast times or heavy CC, which is a rather low amount of the somewhat meaningful bosses.

I’m sorry but you sir, but you have no idea what you are talking about.

Adding 2+2 is enough. Channelling + Stationary + pseudo-melee and charges is absolutely awful on paper to combine all into one. I do agree with you, however, that at the end of the day, damage is all that matters (busted on release, as you say) for many. However, personally, I’m more in favour of fluid gameplay; this skill is worth a 0 at it.

Who’s saying? Grim Dawn is literally the biggest walking simulator arpg you may find out there.

You are being told literally everything on how to play:

  • RR dictates devotion affinities.
  • Item skill modifiers dictate equipment.
  • The equipment you are pigeonholed to based on modifiers dictates what other pieces of gear you’ll have to wear based on the stats it’s missing.
  • Augments contain resistances because your developers couldn’t get their items right. Remove the resistances in there, and 99% of builds are a house of glass.

Game would have much more choice of gearing if devotions had no RR or items didn’t make skills blow up in damage through the roof, but instead had built in natural effectiveness inside the mastery from their levels, but who cares, I guess.

Please be respectful of others in the community or don’t bother posting. Thanks!

To be honest, I agree with some of your points, although certainly not to the level of direness you seem to attribute to them, but historically calling everyone else a moron doesn’t work great in convincing anyone it’s worth their time to listen

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It goes both ways though. @Zantai

It’s almost like… not every skill has to be great for every player. There will be people that love this skill, even if a majority end up not using it. It presents a unique playstyle (maybe) at least.

I hope Winds of Asterkarn ends up a top-meta build, I want to see the irony of the ‘pointless’ skill play out.

You do realise that’s not hard since damage is everything? Get the clunkiest gaming gimmick possible; even be it doing a specific combination of key presses one after another of different skills (as PoE bossing builds do) and debuffs & buffs stackfest, and as long as it results in death or a near-instant one of everything on the screen, boss or trash, it won’t matter. However, the clunkier, the less balanced, is not the way to go.

I know the game is old, but still. It’s 2024. It’ll be 2025 or later. But in modern gaming, a tradeoff of powercreept for clunky shouldn’t be a thing. Should just make up a good simple baseline skill that wants to be played and isn’t exhausting. Looking at the skill, I can’t imagine anyone enjoying playing it for more than an hour at best. It’s just tiring.

Arpgs really don’t need reinventing the wheel this much. In a sense, old is gold. All they need is to just be less and less clunky and more and more fluld over time. Good gameplay speaks for itself if it feels right.

We’ll have to see how endgame changes shake out in FoA to really tell where things will land/which builds will be best suited for mechanical advantage. If the Ascendant campaign is both rewarding enough and farmable enough to compete on some standardized level without dipping one’s toes into SR, more mobile builds may indeed be preferable to channeled skills.

However, assuming one or both of those are false, Winds seems poised to be fairly competitive in both current SR and especially in Crucible (the latter of which we know will be receiving updated wave content, which probably also implies improved rewards). Pulling enemies to the player via a debuff (Curse of Frailty, Ill Omen, etc.) and then beginning channeling while they surround you seems like it’d be naturally potent at clearing shards and waves alike, especially now that players don’t need to hunt down SR portals.

Traditionally, the reason why stationary channeled skills are bad in other ARPGs is the survivability concern. Both Flameblast and Smelter’s Wrath can offer competitive damage, but expose the player to too much incoming damage to be worth the risk. But Grim Dawn is not like most other ARPGs in the sense that not only is damage not usually a oneshot risk, but also that damage is mostly inevitable. It used to be that one would need to argue for some ADCTH on non-%WD skills to attain viable sustainability on them, but nowadays with health regen being more competitive, passive defenses may prove enough to sustain channeled casters with the right gear support. And speaking of gear support, who knows what sorts of skillmodifiers Winds might see; I don’t think ADCTH or % Damage Reduction are entirely out of the question.

Both Ranged and Melee gameplay usually only results in a conal application of damage in front of the player. To date, there are not many sources of consistent PBAoE damage of any significant magnitude; Siphon Souls is not very high dps, Judgment is more of a utility skill/devotion proccer (would be better if Heart of Wrath inherited item skillmod bonuses, hint hint), and Callidor’s Tempest is only decent on a cooldown with DoTs that cannot be leeched from. If Winds brings any decent damage to the table, it seems inherently poised to be advantageous in most metas.

TL;DR there are other unknown factors to consider beyond the unknown statistical values of an unreleased skill.