Channeling, Stationary, Pseudo-melee, Charges XD

It’s not when you are missing so much information.

This is funny given how overly busted AAR was for many patches and that skill is stationary, channeling and basically pseudo-melee.

What worries me is that in crowded spaces it may never be able to achieve it’s full potential due to crowd control effects being unavoidable and only shortened. 0,1 sec CC is enough and it’ll just cancel the skill cast effectively killing both the area of effect and it’s damage coming from charges leaving only it’s most basic starter form with smallest aoe for consideration. For such a skill to be viable in monster crowded places like Crucible etc., actual 100% crowd control resistance (Immunity like Super Bosses) is a must, otherwise I’m not seeing it. Other channeling skills in this game will never suffer from this issue as they do not build up charges/intended. The closest we can get to this skill as of now is probably by experiencing on Soulfire uptime-downtime I guess.

But it’s 100% efficient right on cast. It does not build up charges and doesn’t get them cancelled on the first come CC that happens to fly around. imagine if your your beam shrinked to Flames of Ignaffar range and 1/4th of it’s damage efter every CC, and rebuilding that would take you 4 seconds. On paper it’s a loop of despair and frustration.

Unless i got it wrong, Winds doesn’t deal damage only in the final second, it deals damage for the whole animation.

It deals continuous damage that intensifies and so does the aoe.

So it’s like AAR where it deals damage on insta cast. So what’s the problem here?

Neither does Winds. Onslaught builds charges.

I think you’re talking to some ideal that isn’t there. What’s clunky to you is a nice pace for someone else.

Clearspeed is not everyone’s number one priority. Also, PoE - as an example - is full of jank and poor balance, but people still seem to enjoy it all as long as things are popping. In GD, we have the dodge and multiple mobility skills, so I don’t see it being too taxing to SS → dodge → WoA → repeat. I also assume cast speed and other modifiers will likely change the way it builds and damages too.

Maybe let’s just get our hands on it first before declaring it pointless and clunky…


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See the only way where you solve it and don’t care is by “hammerdin” sorta effect. Even if you get interrupted you don’t care because the skill would keep on going on it’s own till it reaches it’s destination(edge). Probably not the case in here, as explained it is similar to EoR, so I assume that if you stop channeling the skill stops completely and you start the progress all over.

What i’m worried about Winds of Asterkan is if the single target damage is trash, getting kind of tired of these “good in AoE, bad in single target damage” skills.

I know there’s supposed to be a tradeoff but there should be better balance.

So your entire rant is based on inferring something that’s not even true? The skill deals full damage immediately, the radius scales up the longer you hold it.


That’s the age-old ARPG problem, how do you have good AoE but not better than single target, given single target’s inherent deficiency. GD manages this pretty well with procs, so perhaps something like after 2-3 seconds WoA releases some large damage spike or charge or something. Dunno.

Or, that’s just the role these skills play, clearing mobs so you can focus other skills on single targets.

It’s a worse EoR then. Can make up for lack of aoe just by the built in movement that also helps to dodge stuff. I can’t see this skill be good anywhere considering how CC from enemies works.

Would be great on paper if casting a movement ability or medal augment or evade wouldn’t interrupt it’s charging effect, but this isn’t the case in the game as of now. You could at least kite bosses with it then by evade+vire’s might+medal augment.

My god. You’re insufferable.


What are you on about? It has more problems than that. Smh grasping only the small picture again.

I didn’t mean charges exactly as they are as a mechanic, like Cadence or RF. I meant the intensifying effect that this skill has.

Perhaps we need the full picture before we grasp at it first then…

Isn’t WoA more like spam Callidors that grows in size then, not EoR? You’re making lots of assumptions.
Though it would be good to understand how it counters being interrupted, which is a simple question, rather than argument about how useless and clunky it is without even having tried it…

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lol, my guy is making stuff up to justify his insane ramblings. At least his rants willl be kept contained inside this thread.

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For the sake of being “polite” you know all of two things about this topic. Pretty sure you can put that 2+2 together.

You’ve done zero testing and are basing your entire argument around a few lines of text and not an entirely released skill that:

  1. will still see iteration before closed beta

  2. iteration during closed up to launch

Time to get back on that wagon.

Heya Rakso,
I think the concept of CC being a true disrupter is more applicable to mods, especially the season mod that makes use of mob CC combos.
That said static area skill effects (such as clouds,pools/etc) causing frequent fumble/impaired aim, skills disabled are PITA for stationary channel skills and do exist in a way to be frustrating.
Some mobs can have spam CC effect such as Moosilauke and the Ice Crystals, which fits your context for the vanilla non mod game.

It would be nice if the stationary channel skills had no cooldown and were instant cast, but I think that has implications affecting the channel skill mechanics.

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The CC disruption issue does seem to be valid for a channeling skill that isn’t 100% capable at the onset, but it can also be easily fixed by a skill modifier that grants either CC immunity or +20% CC res with +20% max CC res. The lore justification can be that the player himself becomes frozen and so is more resistant to CC effects. For the +20% case to work, there needs to be more sources of petrify and skill disruption res in the game. Right now there still isn’t enough.

I’m more concerned about the utility of a skill that gets bigger over time. Because what often happens allows or demands the opposite: mobs rushing towards the player, which actually requires less radius over time, not more. I suppose the utility can be useful if the player knows exactly how far away he needs to be to reach ranged mobs and eventually damage them by channeling the skill. But if the gif demonstrating the skill is in real-time, I think it still takes too long to reach max radius for this to really work.

Maybe the skill can be reworked so that it reaches max radius immediately, but that it does more DPS over time with being closer to the player yielding more damage. The lore justification is that there’s a sort of tornado centred on the player and being closer to the tornado does more damage.

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