Noticed this yesterday - My 2h weapon currently has the skin of a spear (Steward’s Halberd) applied to it. When I go to the illusionist and want to change the skin to another 2h non-spear weapon the character on the preview holds these weapons in the wrong position, often resulting the the character holding the weapon on the actual blade instead of on their grip. I can attach a screenshot when I am home → see comment
Step 1: Have any non-spear 2h weapon equipped (img 1)
Step 2: Put a spear illusion on the weapon (img 2)
Step 3: Leave the game session
Step 4: Re-Enter into a session
Step 5: Go to illusioner and select any non-spear illusion on it (img 3)
Step 6: Even after appying the illusion and leaving the illusionist, the visual bug still persists (img 4)
Step 1: Enter game session while already having a spear illusion on a non-spear 2h weapon
Do previously mentioned Step 5 & 6
Simply having a non-spear 2h weapon with a spear skin equipped when entering a session and then swapping (via the button to the left of the helmet slot) to a 2h ranged weapon will also cause the weapon to be held incorrectly