i need help pls! how can i put my character on grimtools? so i can post in here and ask for help to what should i do and farm do make my blademaster better! which i made by the guide from @Stupid_Dragon (tyvm btw)
and i have been reading the forum to find a class which uses shield and the damage is good or OP lol
sry for all these question blademaster it was my first 100 i have been playing grim dawn only for two months! totaly new player
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Here’s a guide on how to use Grimtools. The part about how to upload a character is near the end of the first post.
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Blademaster is not the most optimal shield class. Warlord is really good for that. Here’s an up to date build. It’s really fun, but kinda hard to gear for.
Edit: there’s a budget version somewhere on the forum.
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tyvm @Foehammer
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Hope it helps! Any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
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