Charges (Cadence)

“Charges (Cadence)
There is reason to believe that B27 changed information in this section. This information may be out of date.
The differing WPS skills add different charges to skills like Cadence. Here are the skills you can get from Nightblade and Soldier.
Melee DW:
MA hits with both weapons, only gives one charge to Cadence.
ZT hits with one weapon, only gives one charge to Cadence.
BS hits with both weapons, gives two charges to Cadence.
AQC hits with both weapons, gives three charges to Cadence.
WD hits with both weapons, gives one charge to Cadence. (I could be wrong here).
Range DW:
MA hits with one weapon, only gives one charge to Cadence.
ZT hits with one weapon, only gives one charge to Cadence.”

I have few questions about this:

  1. what is a charge?
  2. what is the damage by charge
  3. it is possible to make a build around this?

Thank you
ps: sorry for my english :stuck_out_tongue:

There is reason to believe that B27 changed information in this section. This information may be out of date.
The differing WPS skills add different charges to skills like Cadence. Here are the skills you can get from Nightblade and Soldier.
Melee DW:
MA hits with both weapons, only gives one charge to Cadence.
ZT hits with one weapon, only gives one charge to Cadence.
BS hits with both weapons, gives two charges to Cadence. Not Any more
AQC hits with both weapons, gives three charges to Cadence. Not Any more, 1 charge
WD hits with both weapons, gives one charge to Cadence. (I could be wrong here).
Range DW:
MA hits with one weapon, only gives one charge to Cadence.
ZT hits with one weapon, only gives one charge to Cadence."

I have few questions about this:

  1. what is a charge? Cadence charge means it has 3 charges and hits with that big %weapon damage and flat physical every 3rd hit. In the other two hits you can have wps procs.
  2. what is the damage by charge. Listed Cadence damage avery 3rd hit and in betwen 100% weapon damage or more if wps procs. To the % weapon dmage there are flat physical damage values added from gear, devotions and skills like deadly momentum and menhir’s bulwark which are important bonuses.
  3. it is possible to make a build around this? Yes, and more (Blitz).

A more up to date version:

thank you, but i’m not sure I’ve figured it all out. What’s the synergie between Cadence and WPS?

The synergy is in between cadence procs. 1(possible wps proc), 2(possible wps proc), 3rd hit cadence.

It’s worth a couple of points in amarasta quick cut and execution.

For one one handed cadence i don’t recommed MA or ZT because of slow animation. You can have 190% attack speed and your effective dps will be cut almost in half with both those procs.