Chinese translation optimization of Grim Down 恐怖黎明中文翻译优化

At present, there are many typos, punctuation errors, and sentence errors in the Chinese translation of Grim Down. I hope Chinese translators can carefully proofread and revise them.


Can you list the errors you found in detail?

For example,在安克维亚的末日里,“一艘燃烧的商船被它的船员们遗弃并且将它的船锚跑向周围的渔船”,这里应该是“将它的船锚抛向周围的渔船”;还有罪行记录第3页,开头说的是埃弗雷特,可下文变成了利安德·格林;在圣橡堡的几个对话把艾格瑞姆写成了“乌尔格林”;曼海尔的壁垒的技能描述把曼海尔写成了梅尼尔。Besides, there are many errors.

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Well, I don’t think these insignificant little errors will be taken seriously by the official. So, can only discover and correct them by myself. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I regularly post errors for RU after 1.2, so i think, if you can make a handy list, all fixes also will be taken into account.

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