Chocolate factory of Cairn

So…what is the most beloved item in GD…of all time?

It must be those…
stinky ass pants!

You knew! Soiled Trousers!

So, Im going to try to venture atleast through Elite by throwing dirt on enemies.

-Player cant use any other attack skill (such as cadence, primal strike etc) than “Throw Feces”
-Debuffs are allowed (such as curse of frailty)
-Devotions procs allowed
-Pets are allowed

So, here we go, I went as Conjurer cuz I get quite some debuffs, strong pets and Mogdrogens Pact.

You cant use the normal version of the pants until lvl 20, so I got some early lvls and devotion points in crucible runs to get to the price ASAP.

So reach into the seat and stay tuned for more!

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Absolute madness! I love it! :slight_smile: