Chthonians vs Aetherials

Who would eventually win and take over the world, if Taken would not intervene? Loghorrean seems to be the ultimate weapon of Chthonians, while the Master of Flesh is not the most powerfull Aethereal, he has a bosses. Or maybe both factions would be defeated by Korvaak?

If the situation became hopeless for the humans, imagine which side you would choose. Aetherials just want to kill and use our bodies. I can’t imagine them even farming us.

But the Chthonians, we could at least become their source of blood. We could even join them in the fight against the Aetherials.

Humans choosing Cthonians as the lesser evil, would give them the advantage.

What? No… its backwards. The cult of C’thon is trying to wake him up by giving him back the blood that was stolen from him. All life was made from his blood after he was left dying. he’d just reabsorb it and wake up leaving a lifeless plane.

Aetherials already have plans to farm humans for more bodies. And living ones work better than dead ones.