Civ IV BTS + Realism Invictus Mod

= Doooooooooooom

Suffering a severe case of “just one more turn” due to this, not doing so well, but managed to claw my way up to 3rd place despite being severely behind in research and wonders. Doing the massive earth scenario as the Aztecs. Oh and of course everyone dislikes me for nomming on the North American tribes, since I had a bad habit of not finishing conquests. Mainly due to native fort units being impossible to take down until you have recon gunpowder units. Which resulted in not getting anywhere enough open border agreements to boost research rates.

Think next run I’ll go for a dual culture/science focus as the Aztecs, since hunter gatherer civs don’t produce anywhere enough culture, so it’s relatively easy to flip their cities if you go nuts on culture. And with enough science output I’ll easily get to gunpowder units if I stay small and plan accordingly. Combined with slow culture flipping and the odd conquest of cities (Aztec melee often have innate bonuses to attacking cities), plus dropping new colonists at good points and it should go more smoothly. Oh and I’ll so conquer those swarmy Inca’s.

Note - may also cause you to forget to make dinner, which I’ve done twice so far… Really need to set an alarm to remind me to get off and go make dinner. Though usually by 4am I’m completely non-hungry, since I haz plentiful fat reserves thanks to anti-depressant side effects.