Clairvoyant Discussion

So I see a clip where you do a pure AAR build, and it has a decent clear time. Then one where you make an AAR + RS build, and it is slower and dies more…so how does this translate to buff AAR? Seems like the combo needs the buff.

Uh, not going to gut the skill’s primary function for this.

Time to buff Celestials…and this kill time metric…


i agree warlock is the weakest class and clairvoyant is bad too and both need buffs, i swear i’m not biased at all !!!1

also my favorite build isn’t some abomination like this, where most people would say that skill points are spread to wide

would be cool if this build could use codex of lies

like i said, not biased buff clairvoyant xD

Like banana already mentioned, the skill is gutted by the forced vit conversion which is poorly supported. Its a channeling skill, it should have big dps. It doesn’t. You said some time ago that the way you see it is as a glass cannon, sadly it’s just glass, no cannon and if tanked up to be able to stand its ground the damage goes down even more. This skill is the main sustain tool and damage dealer. Regarding the RS suggestion, its just a suggestion. I think banana’s suggestion fits best, make aar full aether, give it more decay, and make RS full vit and radius to it.

EDIT. I forgot to mention that the times on those videos are the outliers.


100% lightning to Aether as 4-pc bonus on Clairvoyant.

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Why not simply replace the helm mod?

At this point of balance, every skill is good, if by good we mean can take on endgame and ahve some fun with it. That said, Reap Spirit is one of the worst direct dmg abilities in the game, if not the worst, even with all the mod selection to it. It also being a pet skill has zero relevance to direct dmg engame build.

Good idea. Make Celestial abilities stronger, but also slow their movspeed and animations down to make their attacks more telegraphed and dodgeable, reduce attack hitboxes. So the fight could actually pose some skill based challenge instead of them being binary “100% facetank” or “ring around the rosy for 10 mins”. Also make them drop smth else (like a chance to drop rare or mob/dungeon specific gear) to make them exciting to kill instead of being dps check for 99% builds.


Agree. Delete Lightning to Vitality on Helm and add 100% Lightning to Aether as 4-piece set bonus (as encouragement to go full Clairvoyant".


Also i believe doom bolt needs its cdr increased, radius increased to +3 and vit decay added too.

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looking at your videos I think this is the perfect example of an overall well balanced build and in no way the damage is “bad”, it’s good, but not great and one could argue that builds with more damage than this should maybe rather be tuned down imo.

That said, I’d be interested in your build’s performance without a triple rare offhand, so e.g. Aetherfire of the Aether instead, since that’d be more realistically achievable gear for the average player.

Random suggestions:

  1. The start-up animation of AAR has a tendency to cancel the skill cast before it. So for example if you cast Devastation or Siphon Souls before casting AAR, the former skill can be canceled. This can happen even at 200% cast speed and I guess happens more often if you cast multiple skills before casting AAR. Would it be possible to make it not cancel skills?
  2. Cleansing Waters has a radius of only 3 meters, which means if procs on a mob with a large hitbox, the player cannot receive the benefits. So I wonder if it can get a significantly bigger radius. I would glady trade cooldown for a bigger radius.
  3. I feel that the chest rewards at the end of rogue dungeons are a bit underwhelming given the time investment. An easy and fast improvement for this is just to upgrade the quality of at least one of the chests.

Again, presented examples are outliers , average being way slower. Problem stated several times is single target damage. Aar is underperforming by comparison to others in terms of dps. Ravager tests clearly show that.

Single target boss test clearly shows AOE skill not good for single target? :thinking:

Merely thinking out loud, Reap Spirit providing increased summon limits at 16/16 and 21/16 instead of 17/16 and 23/16?

For endgame Reap Spirit builds, that won’t really change anything. But, it will make it easier to include the skill in non Reap Spirit or Beginner setups.

I blame @Gnomish_Inquisition for putting this thought into my mind :hatching_chick:

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…unless Zantai increased the beams width by a fair amount so AAR actually clears well but I doubt that is going to happen here.
Rather have it be a beam of sheer & raw power that melts everything it touches.

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This. /10char

Ah ok, guess time to revert it back to when it didn’t pierce targets then. :rofl:



Yeah, in the current state of the game skills with 6+m radius are much more AoE than anything with a straight line nature (aside from gamebreaking overlapping hits like ranged PS) because enemies surround you way too quickly. AAR is like midtier for AoE, the coverage is even worse than ranged DW.

Maybe reverting its crit nerfs can help those who want to sacrifice tankiness in favor of more OA. And the crafted book can get a buff from 90 flat to 150 to offer a glassification (half of leech for more dmg).

But you’ll probably need to scale down a bit some of the outlier mods.


That would be indeed a thing to consider as long as it one shots stuff xD. Regarding the AI that bounces and makes aar feel wierd, the best description would be that aar feels like you’re playing fevered rage even though you’re not with the difference that fevered rage builds deal damage too :sweat_smile: