Cleansing Waters Range Discussion

then you weren’t facetanking :person_shrugging:

There’s no casting Seal on enemy in this video

Facetanking with some breaks for cooldowns to recharge

kindly watch the video before saying so… don’t make me timestamp for you… :triumph: (there are several points)

i’ve fought every enemy in the game, every encounter, hence why i’m asking for specifics: which enemy is fat enough to make you not be in seal range: because i’ve never seen it happen

Lee constantly deliberately casts Seal not on Calla but a bit earlier. It’s clearly noticeable in his gameplay. Let’s ask him @mad_lee

How many times have you fought with Calla in melee with Inquisitor though.

So you’re telling me I just imagined it :slight_smile:

you made me timestamp :triumph:

now watch

and keep watching, and you will see several seal casts, where lee isn’t moving, and casting seal directly on calla

This time it worked. It doesn’t prove it always works. Maybe I can find some vid to show you till lee chimes in. But probably not because I deleted those not on YT.

what… range is fixed, so yes it always works :rofl:
just facetank proper “if you’re not in range you can move closer” - there is no enemy that has a 4meter “blocking” hitbox afaik/have ever fought, and i just showed you a video of being in range of calla, yet that’s not good enough

You didn’t answer the question if you have ever fought Calla with Inquisitor in the melee range. I would like to know if you actually know what are you talking about. Lee constantly puts Seal not on top of Calla but a bit earlier in his fight. We wouldn’t have done it w/o purpose. Hitbox in Grim Dawn is not consistent.

i’m gonna get annoyed soon if it doesn’t matter what i post if it just gets annoyed… :neutral_face:

i just linked a video of the very build i’ve done so with
why the heck you think i instantly had a so old video on hand, because i’ve copied lees build(s)

don’t make me timestamp each and every single instance of him casting it directly on calla, then i’m gonna get beyond annoyed
he’s not casting it on calla frequently when moving, kiting, repositioning etc

there is a difference from being blocked into moving closer to an enemy/in range, vs enemy having so large a hitbox you can hit them from far away “but still move closer”

look how close you can get
you can get like a meter inside the seal if you want to on Calla

Perhaps I should start timestamping if for you. Explain to me why Lee deliberately moves his cursor from Calla on top of him here

he might do that there, but you can clearly see it was not necessary: he already had seal buff on

and it doesn’t invalidate the other dozen times where he doesn’t
like 4 frickin seconds earlier of your very example

if you’re gonna cherrypick to fit your argument atleast accept that it’s not even consistent: because it’s not mandatory in terms of hitbox blocking

can confirm.

I think I have to break it down.

  • you’re claiming Inquisitor Seal always works when you’re putting it on Calla while meleeing her

  • I’m showing you that Lee, just like me, presents behavior confirming that sometimes you can be outside of Seal while doing that

    • because there’s no explanation why he would move away his cursor otherwise
  • I can confirmed this too, happened to me a few times while fighting in melee with Calla with my Bonebleach build for example

Here, as it’s often with you, you’re trying to change the subject of the argument - the dozens times it works doesn’t matter at all, it only matters when it doesn’t happen

I also messaged Fordprefect, he mights superbosses all the time, perhaps he knows it too.

except your very example is redundant: because the action wasn’t necessary, so just because a player takes precaution doesn’t mean it’s necessary mechanically

literally does, because it’s fixed range it will always mean that you can do that

not when those instances are not because of mechanics/game limitations; but player voluntary actions, ie either being extra careful when not necessary, repositioning, or kiting/avoiding boss effects

calla does not have a 4m blocking hitbox preventing you from being in seal range in melee, it’s as simple as that, i’ve shown multiple examples that clearly showcase and demonstrates this
and you’re cherrypicking examples where a player voluntarily, for XYZ reasons, is doing char movements “against” that, not because the hitbox is forcing it: does not prove otherwise

Ok, I talked with Gnuffi in PMs and we meant slightly different things which was the reason of misunderstanding:

  • by Calla hitbox preventing from being in the range of Seal on top of her and autoattacking by my definition is

    • that you can approach her with Left Click melee AA, cast Seal and being ourside of Seal’s can happen

    • Gnuffi meant that it’s not preventing by his definition because you can then approach her / reposition from a different angle and then be in the range of Seal

I would personally like for the Seal to be slightly bigger so that what you can see in this video CANNOT happen:

My reasons

  • hard to move closer with Left Click here without Force Move / you’d have to click far away from enemy to move

  • Calla is the only enemy in the game like that (?) so it’s not like such positioning is a part of the game. It’s also not natural.

  • main cause is Seal highlighting / targetting Calla by default w/o using Force move which makes it harder

  • repositioning when you realized you’re outside of Seal’s range can get you killed easily

But perhaps Seal working when you cast it on Calla and Left click smash her is expecting too much :thinking:

Haha, you guys are looking at lee behavior as if he doesn’t play this game’s mechanics like a cargo cult


For those who might be wondering, I started this discussion with this post here: Clairvoyant Discussion - #30 by Dioarchet

If you want to easily reproduce Cleansing Waters not affecting the player, just proc it on Korvan Titanovore right after he inflicts bleeding damage or a debuff.

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can confirm, 3meter not enough on titan
seal’s 3.8m barely reaches there, as in you have to actively move closer to be in range (more so than on calla even)

Another example of Calla vs Inquisitor Seal from @fordprefect

58s - FP casts a Seal on top of Calla

59s - FP uses Charge skill and gets closer to Calla but still doesn’t get into Seal’s range

1min 4s - 2nd Seal works this time. At 1min 5s FP uses Force Move but this wasn’t necessary. Could have helped with the 1st Seal perhaps.

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