Class - Alchemist

I love alchemy in games almost as I love Chronomancy.
this is an Idea I’ve had for a while and I’m not sure I’ve posted it before.
It has a large amount of transformations, ones that can convert a lot of damage to other types of damage.

Per level of Alchemist

3 physique
2.5 spirit
3 cunning
25 health
12 spirit

Alchemical Splash - does 0.5 aoe 150 poison damage.

                 (*) Transmutation Heal - Replaces base to 100 healing
                 (*) Transmutation Cold - 80% to Cold
                 (*) Transmutation Fire - 80% to Fire
                 (*) Transmutation Elec - 80% to Lit
 Syringe Shot - changes aoe to target, increases damage by 10% per level 

Admixture Flask - Does 3.0 aoe 50 healing + 5 per level

      Empowered Admixture - increases damage by 25 per level
             (*) Transmutation corrupt potion  - 25% to poison
             (*) Transmutation Elemental Bomb - 30% each to cold, fire, lit

Contingency Chemistry - Does 25 aoe damage, 20% chance Confuse, 5 seconds
Electric netting - 10% chance stun, 1 second
Madness gas - +5% confuse, 5 seconds
Blinding smoke - +5% fumble, +5% impaired aim. 10 Seconds
Prolonged Chemistry - Each Effect now on a timer, coodown increased by 10 seconds, each effect now effects targets in sequence.

Potency - increases poison and healing for yourself and nearby allies by 5% per level

Alchemical weapons - 10 poison damage, 4% physical into poison allies and self
() Transmutation cold
) Transmutation Fire
(*) Transmutation lit.

Monstrous Transmutation - Changes a Pet, Self or ally into a Monster
Monster Switches alliance Every time it is damage (20 second
cooldown )

Some of this might just be overpowered in the transmutations function, though Im sure with enough time it could be balanced out.
Anyway, I just figured this class would be a fantastic side healer and bring out more poison functionality.