Clay and sand in farm fields

I have doubts with these resources, seeing my crops, in some I have more clay and in others more sand, I don’t know what factors produce it, in most of my crops they are around 80% fertility, will it affect that? since na bar is different almost in all

The place where you put your field has a mix of clay and sand.
So each field has potentially a different mix.

You are supposed to be able to change this mix by adding clay or sand to the field. But I don’t understand how this works. Some of my fields got a change to the composition, but for others it’s not working at all. I tried to put some maintenance on the field … but that’s not it apparently, no change.

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First, you need to have the resources (clay and/or sand) available for any adjustment to fertility. You then select the yellow slider and slide it to the point you can get a 10% improvement in production. You then wait. Depending on the availability of farmers AND/OR laborers they will eventually come with the resource and dump it over the fence. It’s best to have a supply close to the fields. It has taken years to get all my fields to the correct fertility levels.