Cold fw battlemage upd. 18.03.22 (see first post for more information)

imagine another build
have a question about electrocute stacking
in this build:

I have

  1. Seal of Skies (craft)
  2. Eye of the Storm (aura)
  3. maelstrom (from wind devil)
  4. stormcaller’s pact (global)
  5. reckless tempest (devotion)
  6. elemental storm (devotion)
  7. elemental balance (IEE)
  8. also wind devil itself
    will it all stack?

also devouring swarm will heal me with dryad’s blessings devotion?

these gloves are perfect for what you are trying to put together

probably yes if I will have enough OA and HP. I think I will be low on HP and will craft gloves (also I havent this gloves in stash)
but question still open
main skill aether lightning
also as I understand global electrocute will be at 50% efficiency because aether lightning have 50%weapon damage

aeh what?image

yes - tho i would suggest you plop dryad on a 2.5-3sec movement rune (with dmg)

yes, but not exactly how you thinkg
IEE is a global buff, so that applies to regular buff and flat rules
Eye of the storm, while it’s an aura it’s not a dmg aura, it’s a buff aura, so the stats are again global and regular global flat rules applies
this means the flat dmg, and particularly the chance for flat electrocute only applies to weapon attacks/Skills with %WD, ie your Seal of Skies skill Chain Lightning

Wind Devil’s will stack DoT from Maelstrom and devotion procs - their main debuff dot (node 1 and node 2(raging tempest) doesn’t stack dmg wise on the same target - you obviously still max raging tempest since it’s RR, and dmg not stacking isn’t really a main concern since they still deal good dmg on wind devil builds

Devouring Swarm is balanced for RR,
RR doesn’t get converted like that, so it’s kinda pointless for you to take Swarm on lightning build - even if it’s for tiny bit lifesteal; it doesn’t heal that much without good focus, much less with only 50% conversion

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in my build I mean

well yea, i told you that several posts ago that it was sorta pointless to incorporate it “half-assed”, specially with an offhand like that :sweat_smile:
it’s a “main dmg skill”, so it requires basically the same focus you would any other main attack skill in your build
but once you do that, it deals great dmg, like ex Cyclone EoR Archon (the “1” build where offhand is good for EoR :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:)

Devouring Swarm here is for dryad’s healing proc
if it will proc i dunno still

totems i will not use in any case ( just dont like totems xD)
overall build is ok you think?

or then more points in mordrogen pact

devouring swarm to proc dryad is again kinda pointless
not just because you have/will have better proccers avail to you, but also for much much less skill points, if any at all (ex movement rune)

a build purely doing wind devils and chain lightning i’m not convinced about
it will, again, like most things in grim dawn, be “totally possible”
but you are, severely, gimping yourself in multiple ways here - itemization being a big part of it for a pure wind devil build
but also in part because even main wind devil focused builds take other dmg skills too, because it’s simply worth it/you have the points so there is no downside

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IM also bad at english so IEE 2-3 nods and eye of storm doesnt stack and seal. all other will stack, right?
just use 1
7 what stack and doesnt stack pls

it stacks, but probably not the way you think
%dmg obviously stack, it’s just regular boosters
the flat dmg, more specifically the “%chance for X flat electrocute” only applies to weapon attacks and skill’s using %Weapon dmg, in your case your chain lightning
pseudo pets like wind devils don’t benefit from flat dmg at all, because they have no weapon dmg, - and as we know global flat dmg (even global flat dot dmg) only applies to weapon dmg and skills using %weapon dmg, which wind devils don’t have
this leaves your current build’s remaining source of %WD based attack your chain lightning - and the global flat dmg, will then be scaled down with the %WD on chain lightning

sec give me a moment to try illustrate it

you mean since devils have no weapon they are scales only with %dmg, not flat and not Xchance to flat
but aether lightning since its 50%wd scales wth flat (with 50%down)+X chance (with 50%down) to flat and %dmg

  • Seal of Skies (craft) - attack
  • Eye of the Storm (aura) - buff
  • maelstrom (from wind devil) (pet) attack
  • stormcaller’s pact (global) buff
  • reckless tempest (devotion) attack
  • elemental storm (devotion) attack
  • elemental balance (IEE) buff
  • also wind devil itself debuff

global/buff % applies to all
global/buff flat dmg or flat dot dmg apply only to weapon attack/skills with %WD - and is scaled down with %
(“chance for flat” is still global flat)
“attacks” stack
*different source, ie chain lightning electrocute wont stack on itself multiple times; but maelstrom from each wind devil will
(same) debuff don’t stack
*since it’s still the same type debuff it wont stack even from different wind devils

that’s not the reason i’m not convinced about this particular build
sure WD not benefitting from global flat electrocute and “%chance X electrocute” doesn’t help, but that’s just about skill point investment
the reason main reason i’m not convinced is i think this is a poorly “focused” wind devil build
itemization need to be (much) better to proper boost wind devils; +skill points is not enough
build skill point and devo point need better optimization
^even with those things addressed i still think it will lack decent dmg output, while you will not have enough defences
which means you need more offence or (way) more defence if you are to do a wind devil chain lightning build only, while still taking proper wind devil build focused itemization
ex would be that going 3piece cyclone is a really really bad idea, you either go full set for the wind devil bonus, or you don’t use cyclone “at all” (maybe just helm, but definitely not the offhand)


allright I tired and you too ,I think no more theorecrafting… lets play my first build and do all content then you choose build for me :stuck_out_tongue:

and after I understand mechanic of a game and will follow any build then will think about new one

hopefully I didn’t bother you
my first build seems okeyish by helping @tqFan

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163-170 with full buffs