Cold fw battlemage upd. 18.03.22 (see first post for more information)

somehow that site shows its wrong

What’s wrong?

for example no increases energy regen on site for me

This is crafting bonus. Various blacksmiths give different crafting bonuses. Not a big deal it’s a very minor things and there are always 3 random bonuses but worth it to choose appropriately next time: Blacksmith - Official Grim Dawn Wiki

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now I will try to farm alkamos rings, until skeleton keys are end, then will push the game ( if didnt find that i need)
also will check chtons dungeon near alk

its probably for bosses fight recomendation, i dont like it, but if I will feel weak I will try
because i dont facetanking

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thank you!

Although it’s super easy to max out Casting Speed as Battlemage due two 2 skills increasing it.

one skill, no?

I’ve never done it with him but for exampe with Vinelton it looks like this Vinelton Demonstration + Sandstorm Streamer's Luck - YouTube

Look carefully, you’ve invested in both :wink:

With Cleaver you’ll have Forcewave at 22 / 16

Then you could add Mythical Stonewrought Groundbreakers - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database boots

and either some green random ring with +2 Forcewave or try to craft Badge of Mastery (small chance of +2/3 Forcewave on prefix or sufix 1/54 + 1/54 - 1/(54*54) probability I think so probably not worth spending resources

and you’d be at 26/16 Forcewave.

Although your current weaopn is very good might be hard to get War Cleaver that is better.

I dont want to refuse of my health regen setup (it really feels comfortable to play with high HP regen), so I want alk rings and some regen green items.
I understand that your build may be better, but I want some personality on my build
so myth crimson heart will be until end
im sorry if offended you. (because you help me a lot)
btw this boots i sold like 3 times
also I think i need 200%limit cast speed, so green pants boots gloves belt is a way

yr choice will be better only if this game has one shot mechanic like poe and i could reach it

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does 50%chance to 800%phys will be converted to cold?

also flat phys (increasment) goes before conversion, right?
so 66-107dmg increase for my 404%phys dmg and then convert to cold
but anyway scythe is better only because cast speed, couse more procs of set

also I noticed that same boss could get killed for 5minutes and 30 sec in different games, they are wear items (cold res items probably)?

what boss are you killing in more than 5 minutes

around 10 kills for 30sec and 1 kill for 5minutes somehow, probably game bugged I dont know, but sometimes default skeleton take awhile to kill more than boss. I dont know what happened (and ofc I dispell buffs)
maybe nem stayed at ring and he leeched I dont know

Probably had some Cold Res gear. There is some randomness in this regard.

Even if you have 100RR (and not counting Viper because it’s crap) there can still be immortal monsters when they roll some Cold Res gear. And they can be healers protecting Nemesis in SR hehe.

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I dont understand why its crap with your calc its same as -x%
-25% +20%reduced (viper) =76%

-45%(imagine -25%+(-20%) = 75%

First of all you don’t have to make 2 calculations / windows if comparing like that, you can do

Second of all, in the scenario you showed which is not a scenario you come across in-game it’s true but it general it’s not and it’s crap.

I already linked you a guide so that you better understand it. Here’s another screenshot with more realistic scenario (in the scenario you shown monster has 75% final res which means you won’t kill it anyway)

ok I understand

Simply put if monster after -X% has for example 40% resistance viper will lower it too 40% x 0.80 = 32% so only -8%

If monster has 20% after all -X% Viper will lower it to 16%

If monster has 0% after all -X% Viper will do nothing.

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anyway its better then +any%cold damage (atleast if I already have +2000%)
for example cold stone give me around +5%dps

also it has+%OA and res so its okeish, but not great I understand
if I deal with 40overres I will switch to your devotion build

Yes, I meant mostly -20% Reduced RR not Viper as a constellation especially that it’s often easy to fit in.
And if you can easily take it you take it. But in my current Cold build I’m not taking it because I prefer other constellations and cannot easily fit it in.

alright I got 40overres (minus cold stone) and switch to your build. its better for bosses becouse has low trozan aoe
but anyway I take care about LL, cast speed, HP regen, and obsidian weapon (and alk rings which I probably didnt find)