Collection of ideas

Hello Devs,hello community,

this Game is so amazing and over time a lots of Ideas come together. Let´s together collect all of them in on Thread. Here is a list of some main ideas, maybe the devs can give us some answer :slight_smile:

-Butchery (maybe produce delicious food from meet and Salt, for high tier 5 citizens)
-Huge City place 5x5 tile (For Townevents like a traveling circus, mercenary etc….
-Jeweler(maybe produce jewelry, for high tier 5 citizens)
-Firestation, a carriage with a big Barrel ( maybe can help against heating fields

-Orchard with cherry
-Orchard with nuts
-Orchard with wine and a winemaker
-Orchard with hawthorn/blueberry/sumac
-Field with strawberries
-Field with pumpkin
-Mushroom farm (for mushroom)
-Sheep farm (for meet, tallow, fur/woll)
-Chicken farm/coop (for Eggs and meet)
-Pig farm (for meet, tallow and fur. Maybe I could be boosted by compost)

-Curved walls (buildable like the Streets)
-Square big tower (Tile2x2)
-Round big tower (Tile2x2)
-Towers attached to the walls
-Early muskets (with complete production line, nitre mine, musket-workshop for, gunpowder/bullets storage)
-Early canons(with complete production line, canon-workshop, gunpowder/bullets storage)
-Tower with canon
-Cavalry(like Infantry in light,medium,heavy)
-Leather armor for Hunter and light guards
-War carriage as the hussiten used (search “hussiten” at google)

-Dogs (upgrade for Hunter and Ratcather maybe)

-Small rivers
-Big sea/rivers
-Camp of Bandits like the wolf cave

Staff for Traders only(Like Spice)
-books ( and a libary/ sold the books)
-silk clothes

-Church/Temple (please not as a needed element but as a decoration like the park etc…, so everyone decide for themselves
-Street lamps

Setting extension for DLC
Far Sea extension
-harbor (like Tadingpost but with ships)
-shipyard (Maybe for building fishing boats,cargo ship,warship…etc
-fishing boats could be fishing
-cargo ship (maybe needs many Citizens and many gold and leave the map,after some month/years it could be come back again with a random kind of goods)
-warship (maybe needs many soldiers and leave the map,after some month/years it could be come back again with a random kind of goods)…for evil player

Fantasy extension (Orc and Undead attacking the town ,etc…)

Steampunk extension (upgrade the workshops with steam power) (steam,boiler,gear appear on the building after this specuial upgrades)
-copper mine (produce copper ore)
-copper melt oven (produce copper bar)
-copper locksmith (produce copper pipes)
-upgrade Houses with copper pipes (increases heating efficient)
-upgrade Workshop with copper pipes and heavy Tools (increases efficient)
-hot air balloon for patrol, can spot bandits earlier


Hi, many of them have been exposed in many topics and are asked often. Here is a very detailed one by me.

Very detailed ideas for late game, how to really double game longevity

And also the discussion (and related links) below it.

I especially like the idea of a Jeweler, now that Deep Mines are soon going to be introduced.

Well done.

Rather than a single ‘set-piece’ Castle, what do you think of the idea of providing one or two keep choices, several different types, shapes & sizes of Towers, that can be joined by a new walkable wall, that can eventually be upgraded to crenelated when double-layered, and later hoarded when triple-layered?

This way we could tailor the Castle to the landscape.


Yeah more Tower and Wall Option are necessary for build your own keep into the Landscape.

The barracks should be able to fit in the Walls too.

The whole Military Part has much potential for new content.

Defending the bandits waves ist a awesome Part of the Game.

-add Castle/kepp to Decoration
-add section for only Trader stuff
-add firestation


add the eventual ability to move hawthorn and sumac bushes and or the ability to get blueberry seeds from the blueberry bushes you move to eventually make a farm. probably with less return than wild blueberries.

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add Orchard with hawthorn/blueberry/sumac
add sugar
add marble
add gems
add hot air ballon to steampunk dlc
add Far Sea dlc after Dev answer
add bathouse

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umm, yes, full concurence
what he said
with some major LoS
that scales with additional, terrain-boosted altitude
and small range boost for near-by Towers wouldn’t hurt, either
not to mention the artwork/visual ascetics Crate is turning out with all these polygons, put to this, would be a tres gran vitesse addition to the game
Well done.

I really doubt they will implement a mere 1% of what you posted but the overall ideas are great.

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Future reference, to pick and choose from. :blush:

I put up some changes that I think everyone will like on my own discussion “personal opinion on changes” thread. I thought of writing down harbors and ships and rivers for landscape but didn’t. That would be a truly exciting change for me. Hope to see the devs come up with this change.

Maybe down the line; maybe not.

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