Collision mesh

Hello all
I am trying to make collision mesh for a stairway but no luck finding anything on interweb so as a last resort i am asking here? I looked at how crates CM looked and tried to copy it but no luck, any help would be greatly thankful.

Hi Zakknaphen,

To give a mesh collision in-game, you need to have a physics mesh named “physics” and have two standard materials specifically named as follows:

You then apply one or both materials to your mesh as-needed. For stairs with railings, you’ll want both, but other objects might just need one or the other (see attachment):

The color of the materials doesn’t matter, we just use blue and red to help visually distinguish them. I hope that helps!

Thank you so much i have been pulling my hair out trying to get it to work didn’t even think of maps for CM. I have one more thing if you don’t mind my Character bones are squishing in the middle of chara. my bone setup is

Scene root
bip01 then pelvis and so on from there

but again tkx so much for the help, cheers.

Glad that helped! As for your bone/character issue, not really sure what you mean. I’d have to see a video or a gif, but it sounds like it could just be a rigging issue in general. Here’s a quick shot of a portion of the hierarchy on one of the rigs if it helps:

It’s a completely finished bones and all animations, it work’s fine in 3ds max but when i put it in game it does that.

this is working in 3ds max but not in game.

Usually when you get feet sliding issues like that it’s because the animations for the mesh need to be re-targeted. If you are referencing animations from another monster or have modified the bone proportions/shape at all in the main max file without re-targeting the animations, this kind of thing can occur. For starters, I’d recommend saving the idle animation from your animation file (Animation > Save Animation. . .) and then loading the animation onto your character’s main max file (Animation > Load Animation. . .). Assuming you don’t have to manually re-target the bone nodes, this should be pretty quick. From there, you can save over your existing idle with the newly re-targeted animation.

If it’s still not working after trying that, you could also try redoing the skin modifier on your character (delete the old one completely and add a new one). I’ve noticed the skin modifier holds onto data that can screw up animations if proportions on the rig/mesh are changed while the skin modifier is active, so that could be the cause. You can try saving/loading the skin data, rather than re-building it from scratch. But that sometimes doesn’t help. It’s a pain in the butt to redo the skin, so I’d recommend just doing a super quick and dirty new skin modifier, just to make sure the issue is actually resolved before you take the time to re-skin the whole monster. Hopefully you don’t have to take that route though!

Just realized that if this is biped, you might do better to use bipeds animation saving/loading interface.

FYI it is a rip from a different game(mesh+bones),and tried to save amn file,but max says there isn’t a animation to save.

Well got the animation to save.

I’m wondering if the control_target has to be a bone or can it be the green box?

I don’t think it matters if it’s a bone or what. We use a helper object. The important thing is that it’s called “Target_CTRL” though.

Well thank you so much for the info and your time.

Well finally found out what the problem is AM is not importing the BN_Root and target_cnrl in with the max file, how to fix it pfft that i have no clue.