Combat Video!>1!! 4 Realz this time!

Those are actually still the “test-gibs” we made just to prototype the new feature. I guess we sort of forgot about that. Will have to make some new pieces.

I think just having smaller bits would be more appealing. Like have a huge blood splatter and little pieces of flesh flying everywhere (not necessarily more, since more physics is bad mkay).
More like you disintegrated the monster than like you slap-chopped it.

Now the news is on RPGWatch :wink:

Awesome video!!!

Wow de video looks absolute stunning. A colleague thought it was Diablo 3, good job.

Looking good. Keep up the awesome job.

Was glad to see this before work this morning, and now I am home and got watch it a couple more times. Overall, great work and the response I’ve seen here and on Youtube has been overwhelmingly positive.

I noticed a blueish zombie with what looked like slightly modified/improved armor. He died pretty quick, but I enjoyed seeing some color variation there.

A few nitpicks. It noticed that the eyeball enemies didn’t seem to have any animation when they got hit. Instead, there was a sound effect and a flash effect. Ideally I’d like to see it react in some way, similar to how the zombies seem to bend back a bit when struck. This may still be in the works, this is pre-alpha and all.

Like many others, I like the gibs but it is perhaps a bit too much, or at least, a bit too much of the same large pieces. I actually enjoy having a decent amount of bodies on the ground, and it seems like a few too many of them end up blowing up when struck. I actually enjoy watching the bodies flop around due to the physics :).

I can’t think of much else. I enjoyed the ambiance and all that seems to be missing now is the boss battles and the loot. Hopefully the game will be a tad tougher then shown in the video as well, heh. Still my most anticipated ARPG title. Keep it up guys!

Did you slap him?


A lot has been said already. I have to agree with the comment on the gibs. Is it possible perhaps for them to only activate when a larger enemy goes down? Otherwise, please, make them smaller. They look about as big as a character’s head right now.

What is that yellow arrow over the zombie’s head? Is that a stun made by the blitz skill?

Zombie spawning from the ground, cool!

Well, it’s somewhere in the thread…

Thanks for such a nice video! It defines a very good style and damn… I like it!

I’ve posted a News on which should be up by today. I think that this is the least I can do.

To add to what I already said, just watched a few Diablo 3 videos, I was a bit behind on them, and immediately went back to watching the Grim Dawn video. They have the publicity, but you guys certainly have the style and atmosphere (amongst other things). I think GD is going to appeal to a lot of fans because it feels closer to the look of D2 then D3 does.

@med: put it on

Ofc, told him this game is way better :stuck_out_tongue:

Good man. :wink:

Wow, okay, page 12 already.

So, great video, thanks!

To start with criticism:
There seems to be something awkward with some of the movements of the monsters, and in general some animations could use a little touch IMHO.
For example the ragdoll fx when monsters go flying around sometimes look a little rough, and I´m not a great fan of those “explode the monster into pieces that go flying for meters”-effects; in my opinion the size of the chunks and the diameter of the explosion could be toned down a bit.

Regarding the setting - what has caught my attention was the roads. Yeah, I know, strange detail to catch the attention.
Thing is, that seems to have been a village with quite some infrastructure; I thus would either expect simple unpaved roads or neatly paved roads but not a mix of the two with pavement that would rather hinder than help you.
I know it´s a minor detail, but it´s one that affects my immersion, so I wanted to mention it.

Now for praise:

I LOVE the way that you can enter houses, with their interior that reminds you of people that previously have lived here.
That detail really gives me the feeling that you´re playing in a deserted world!
I do like the action too, and the scenery in general makes for a good atmosphere.
My overall impression is pretty great - sure there are some imperfections, but I wouldn´t expect it to be a PRE ALPHA version.
It could as well be a beta version, or even an on-shelf game, at least for some companies…
Now I´m really pissed that I can´t already PLAY this game! :furious:

ahhhhh must wait until 14 april to see it !!!:furious:

2 weeks why dont i just kill my self"#¤%"#¤%&!#¤%!# hate my work internet!!!

Why no multiplay!

Looking good. Looking great.

Smashing stuff up, smacking zombies down.

I like seeing the ragdoll but the blood effects tended to obscure that quite a bit. I couldnt see part of the action.

Someone mentioned they wanted to hear footsteps. I hate 90% of game footsteps. The footsteps you hear are your footsteps most of all of the time. They are too loud as your body normally tends to filter them out – but this doesnt happen when they are played on speakers. They are typically monotonous, everpresent and obscure other sounds. I want to hear enemy sounds, steps, armor clanks, vocs, breathing – not my own. I think player sounds often make the game less immersive, rather than more. If they are present, they should be soft and varied.

If memory serves, you could hear footsteps in Titan Quest but I only remember hearing them when running through open areas with no monsters within attack range. I always thought it went nicely with the way the brush moved when you ran through it. I think they were quite soft though, and I hope they are similar in Grim Dawn.