Combat Video!>1!! 4 Realz this time!

One thing I DON’T like in this gameplay (and I didn’t like it in TQ as well):

I want to feel the impact when smashing eg. zombies. Look at the combat gameplay. They fall with a weird combo of slowmo gravitation. It really bugs my eye. Please make the monsters more “weighty”, because this (you smash 'em, it jumps up 2 feet, then slowmo gravitation to the ground) is a bit laughable.

Yep, I know it’s pre-alpha, but hopefully the guys at Crate won’t do the same, as it was in TQ.

Been watching the video clip a few more times. Really enjoying seeing the Zombies come up out of the ground. :slight_smile:

One effect I don’t like is the Knockdown. The spell doesn’t appear to have enough ommph about it. I’d like to see the mobs stumble back a step or two as they get knocked down, as if some kind of small force is doing it. I’m not getting this confused with “Knockback” either. Knockback would have a considerably larger effect imo like say a metre or so. (of the mob being pushed backwards)

At the moment, it’s more like they are being put to sleep instantly, then waking up. One minute they are standing, then they are near instantly lying on the ground. Would be cool if there was a slight stumble backwards in there some where.

Brings me to the effect of hitting a mob. Now I think this is probably too hard, but, apart from gibbing, the mobs don’t look as if they are worried about being hit with a melee weapon. It’s kind of like you’re hitting a brick wall with a piece of wood. Nothing moves. I’d rather see that brick wall made of jelly! A bit of a wiggle or shudder when the weapon hits them so it’s visually appealing. The sound of the weapon hitting the mob is there but there’s just no feedback from the mob being hit from what I can see.

Anyway, just my observations.


Now in PC Gamer:

Majority of the comments seem positive too.

Nice job until here Crate Crew. Video looks great. Can’t wait to play it by myself. Please, you all have to sleep in your office for the whole next time to finish the game earlier !! :wink:

On what machine are you playing this scenario ? Graphic Card ? RAM, Motherboard etc…

Will you release only one version or another “European Version” without blood, cuted and censored ? They are often Games e.g. in Steam which are an european version and makes some great games very boring. Do you think to have later some language packs or only an english version ?

During the video i did not see a rotating Cam ? Is it avaliable ? Can you zoom in and out ?

Sorry if i asked questions you may allready answered before.


Another thing I forgot to mention about when a monster or enemy gibs is that I really LIKE the way some of the enemy still remains. Like for example his torso may still be intact but its legs will disappear. I just think that is really cool.

The blood & gore is also a nice feature, and am very glad that you implemented it. If only someone would come up with a mod to incorporate it in TQ, that would be awesome as well.
The rag-doll physics are very nice, but they were in TQ as well.
All the animation looks fine to me, especially that of the playable character.

It really is awesome sauce.

3rd cent: Perhaps you could solve the body count with the following to sliders:
1 slider for max number of bodies on ground
1 slider for max time for each body on ground.
Then set together in a ‘AND’ function, so that the first condition met will execute. Secondly, as far as I know, this should be rather easily implemented. To simplify,each slider could be between 3-5 values?

I think it gives it a hollywood action movie effect

you know almost every action does it, bullets start flying, everything goes into slo mo

I like it in the game, I can actually see the bodies flying through the air

Well, it looks like the enemies don’t have any weight. Like they’re made out of something soft.

It’s called the michealbayFX :smiley:

Thanks. You guys rock!

Something like this?


I’m sorry…I am SO bored today lol.

Like how the plants move when hit by a shock wave or corses rag-doll through them … maybe nothing new (ie already in TQ?), but I enjoy it anyway. I might hardly notice this, when it’s my turn to stay alive on Cairn.

So … compile a best-of-reject, please.

needs more turtles and rainbows!

aside from that: lol it’s all in!

How in the world could I have forgotten about turtles?


No pants, check!
Show partial capes, CHECK! (wtf?)
Softcore+Hardcore = !!?!??!

WHY ARE DISPLAY SETTINGS IN GAMEPLAY?! AAahrhrhghg! Dev’s are so stupid!

I’m NOT buying this game unless fix that! AArrhh… you just totally ruined this game for me!

Also it is stupid that you can remove shoes but not socks? Were devs too lazy to include this option?! :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:

My dreams of becoming a game designer have been dashed once again :cry:

I don’t know, that almost looks like something a designer would come up with.

A slider for FOV! man, this games has everything :smiley:

Ah, it’s the comeback of the inevitable sliders again! I totally demand some sort of slider easter egg in the game!

Anyway, those menus just set up the minimum requirements you need to accomplish before you can even consider getting the game out.