ComboMod Testversion

Good morning xD
Will check this in a second, tbh had not much time for intense testrun with that petchange for raven, so will do this now :smiley: at least great to hear that it did not vanish :slight_smile:

I don’t think its useless, its just useless for a petclass ;D check the base damage of up to 202 Physical Damage and the added augments, aswell as that itemskill is nuts as i remember correctly; these items are mainly original from the Lost Treasures Mod, will simply roll additional hidden affixes for D3 classes; there are, i think at least, also items for pet classes available, not 100% atm as no AM is open :smiley: there will come a point where i revisit this already integrated mod, but seems not necessary enough to do it now → foremost i will adjust the completionbonus statvalues for the Blacksmith NPC’s now, which are obviously too OP for the most part LOL :smiley: and for sure will see what is going on with the Familiar.

I noticed that 0.4h ver lot of equipment get buff and few skill . like fetish army. Pay attention to balance,
Excessive value will cause too softcore and make boring. But I like randomness equipment .

this desigin is fine.

BTW, I think Lost Treasures equipment is too easy to get. and SR box need treasures orb to open feel so much trouble,of course If the appropriate equipment attributes are adjusted is worth.

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Absolutly, i do not want to produce a walking simulator, therefor really important and great balancefactor is the completionbonus as this mod makes heavy use of the blacksmiths which i am adjusting atm, best example for beeing too op is clearly the value “physical resistance” which, at max, can be rolled to 6-7 gearitems and on that old value you already saw at which value it was, which obviously balance the game to megasoftcore :smiley: no, we do not want this ;D finding a grey line, on which all these mods take seat, is really a challange, forth and back mate, till we get it right, like grinding a stone till its an axe :smiley: so much undone really, and it gets more and more the more i do :smiley: will not stop anytime soon xD because you know why!
Btw, what is the time for you? here it is 5:30 in the saturday morning, peace.

great :slight_smile: hope you know that this just a tiny piece of a big puzzle :slight_smile: as you see the enemy balance on that patch MOSTLY aimed towards their defense stats;

So, u r in Europe. Take care to have a good rest


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As said, have not touched these items for a LOONG time, if i see this now, sure could be better by any means but well, same “not so good” items are fine ATM, not a priority to change, if i think about it more i would say it would be best choice to produce UNIQUE items for these bosses aswell… also for ONB’s, but we will see when the time is up for this;
2nd Two-Handed Sword i do not think its bad at all for maybe Oathkeeper/WD…?
Book of Eden, yes, seems bit underpowered, true, especially the damage statmods, i do not remember if i have tested that itemskill, really LONG ago this has been done ;D

→ never had an issue on this, i must admit :smiley: for the most time i simply take bounties everywhere i go, as you can do even alot more via this integrated mod this shall not be a problem: “[Mod] [Release] Bounties Unlocked”; what do you mean by “should not apply to Pet build” mate? :smiley:

Great you go to lunch then, good appetit :)) yes, in an hour or so i will put myself a bit to rest, but will try to improve the completionbonusfiles better till my eyes are closing xD

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Extra chests are extra :smiley: yes it should be worth it, no doubt, will check what i can do on that when the time is right :slight_smile:

Mean same as Treasures equipment , not design for Pet build.
and what mean of ATM?

BTW , I think the blacksmith is almost adjusted. The next update can be version 0.5 :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

As i had played this mod a bit before i was “assimilating” it back then (i guess nearly 2 years now lol) i was simply stunned about their style and was really not that into their attribute stats as i am at this point of this mod, you know :slight_smile: this is the simple conclusion why it is like it is, but you are absolutly right, not really designed to be up to date as it is rly old and now with all this added and adjusted, really need to put some love in these items, also was thinking about exactly this while messing with the D3 bosses again :slight_smile: will come, make some suggestions for these specific items and i brand your name in one of them! :slight_smile: all this feedback is really helpful and will make the mod better and better, appreciated!
Blacksmiths not finished but already ok’ish i would say, i guess 1-2 more version till version 0.5 will hit the board :slight_smile: what really bothers me is that i forgot to note factionbounty and devototion enemys on which i specced in Hero Archetype skills :frowning: this is primary after the blacksmiths and is definitly a thingi for version 0.4 :smiley:

So, have done a few quick 80s with newly adjusted Familiar, headaffix, itemskill and a bit better balanced completionbonus for all blacksmiths → feels good man ;D no issue while leaving the SR, not debuff active, performance is way better with adjusted affix + itemskill, still wrecking with pets but ONE thing to NOTE here as IMPORTANT → all completionbonus extrastats will have been vanished, this is not bad at all, as it would be confusing to have those OP stats still left on pieces of gear i would say, so they are gone and have to be rolled again, IF needed, items and affixes will NOT have been vanished, ONLY the completionbonus extrastat! :slight_smile: overall also felt a bit harder again, which is welcome and clearly obvious due to the missing OP stats on some items :slight_smile:
Will try to push out a small patch tomorrow to fix these “small issues”!
Now i will rest a few hours before anything else :slight_smile:

EDIT 1: after all compeltionbonus extra-stats have vanished on my Conjurer gear, i JUST had to reroll my helmet a few times to regain the Familiar affix, and the extra-stat was simply needed to cap out pierce resistance, nothing more was changed in these runs; sure → more potential in it with more rolling and grinding for better gear / more currency, but nonetheless this nearly should prove that those stats were way too strong xD

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Ye, now version will easy to get need affix than before. But pay attention Helmet and Amulet, don’t set it to get the same affix, Because I already see same Pet Affix attribute in both of them, like + 3 skeleton limits and some others.
Helmet is core components, the affix attribute for helmet is enough, other part if same as helmet will cause imbalance, too powerful.

The affixes for amulets and helmets are completly seperated, on amulets it can roll up to 1099 * 2 pre+suffixes (basegame + D3) → these are all modifiers from the basegame, have noticed some of them are obsolete these days, some have been removed due to missing databases, really alot to dive through, and have not done this work till now, just slight adjustments on what was missing mostly; for headaffixes, they should be very unique, the basegame ones are mainly original from the Shattered Affixes Mod with various adjustments here and there and the D3 headaffixes are linked together with D3 Setaffixes, i think, at least, it should not be doubled, except for the fact that all suffixes are copies from prefixes :smiley: Normally i had taken this into considerations, but as you might imagine, sometimes i maybe missed this thought in some databases ;D Just let me know, will go through them all again anyways as stated before :slight_smile: is already on my list.
Good night xD

No adjustment Health Globe drop rate? still always dropping .

and Fetish Amry 20 is too much, make to 15 max and give 3~5s CD is better.

oh yes, have not further adjusted that amulet itemskill xD haha yes there was something i missed aswell :)) on my list for this evening now ;D yes it’s a bit too much, but hey it is still working, great job to my past me xD not tested it a while :))

was wondering really :)) already has a cd if im correct, how come you reached “-11 Second Skill Recharge”? xD but will check :slight_smile:
Can’t sleep… xD

the new Subjugator 0.4h run deep SR.
SR 108 - 110

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Very nice mate! Looks like you have really fun with it :slight_smile:
2 things from my view → SR timer is clearly too high, will be decreased for next update. The overall difficulty seems to be too weak still, mainsource for this seems to me the a bit overdosed completionbonus on the new blacksmiths which i have already adjusted for next update :slight_smile:
Will take a few days longer then i though, because there came a (maybe xD) fantastic idea to my mind → i was missing this ring from D3 → Ring of Royal Grandeur | Diablo Wiki | Fandom → have already tested this, needs a few new templates and adjustments on all setconfigs, but seems quite doable to do in this week, test was successfully done and would give a HUGE variety to all builds i would say, like in D3 with setitems, will also work with all basegame itemsets with at least 3 setmembers!
Furthermore adjusted Rakoffs itemskill finally to be usefull and not clutter the screen, will even spawn at the players feet now :slight_smile: , adjusted Hellfire Amulets to be on par with Basegame Conduits and adjusted Fetish Army again as suggested :slight_smile:

Fetish Army set max limit 12 is appropriate. Subjugator have best damage in this MOD same as Conjurer in basegame. and Base Necro and D3 Necro class may need little buff.
U just need test Melee build.Casting type build I think also very strong when have endgame equipment.

What I feel now is endgame equipment is forming too fast,of course, it is also related to my understanding of this MOD, my suggestion materials drop rate may should be reduced and remove some soulbound.

SR 117 - 120

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This is, indeed, normal due to this mod still in TESTphase and i mentioned it alot of times, the amountvalues will clearly toned down for a 1.0 release then :slight_smile: do not worry, this was intended :slight_smile:
Fetish Army has already been adjusted :slight_smile:
Atm i am working on the Ring of Royal Grandeur, already have the most stuff finished, tomorrow finishing the tags, testing out everything in detail and adjusting stuff if needed and aiming for another update at friday, so i can update the D3Mod on the weekend, IF the hotfix is already up then :slight_smile: Looking forward to this! <3

I found a strange phenomenon that the two skills have opposite effects, which is inconsistent with the description.