Howdy Grim Dawn Players and Modders.
This is an ongoing project that aims to combine the following mods (and maybe more at some point) to a single one with synergies and adjustments from suggestions and myself.
INTEGRATED MODS AS A BASE (sorted by time of integration)
“Shattered Affixes” by okami29 ([MOD] Shattered Affixes: More than 1000 new affixes V2.20 (updated for Patch; → fully integrated with my own adjustments;(-> NOT up to date after basegame 1.2 but still working so far…)
“Reskill” by Ceno ([Mod] Reskill); → fully integrated as new skillrunes for mid-endgame;
“MinDawn” by Mendez42 ([MOD] MinDawn/MinDawn Mythical : QoL Mod, Extra Features, SR Changes, Multiplayer); → partially integrated mainly for the initial base-script that grants the abilty to travel to The Enclave via The Emissary straight from the beginning;
“Modder Wings” by okami29 (Cosmetic Wings - Inarius wings); → fully integrated as new rewardwings, which can be obtained (most of them!) in the Shattered Realm at the milestones;
“GrimmestFG” by jiaco ([MOD] Grimmest FG 1.0); → fully integrated; outdated basemod → updated with Grimarillion and DoM, adjusted with my own additions;
“Omega Mod” by okami29 ([Dev] Omega Mod); → fully integrated with my own adjustments;
“Stasher” by tt300 ([MOD]Stasher v11 fo Include source data & Still applicable (GDx2)); → fully integrated, synergized with Grim UI and my own adjustments;
“Path of Grim Dawn” by Kanjineo (Path of Grim Dawn): → partially integrated for the portal effect, best skills overhauled and added as new Exiled Skillgems that can be found mostly at Treasure Guardians;
“Extended Mayhem” by zchott (Extended Mayhem at Grim Dawn Nexus - Mods and Community); → fully integrated for new skill/devotion gems as Omega Rewards for late-endgame;
“Warglaives of Azzinoth” by okami29 ("Warglaives of Azzinoth" Search help for compensation); → fully integrated as new style weapon;
“Lost Treasures” by okami29 ([DEV] Lost Treasures); → fully integrated with my own adjustments and synergies to other integrated mods;
“Diablo 3 Classes” by Grimer ([MOD] Diablo 3 Classes: Patch 5.2 Reuploaded); → fully integrated with my own adjustments and synergies to other integrated mods;
“Mirage Archer” by okami29 ([MOD] Mirage Archer - Not really); → partially integrated as a base for new Immortal Merc Enchants;
“Bounties Unlocked” by Ceno ([Mod] [Release] Bounties Unlocked); → fully integrated but a bit simplyfied as the increase for maximum bounties is set to a global base now, so players are able to reach a maximum of 100 bounties per session, no matter the faction;(-> UPDATED AND ADJUSTED, BUT UNTESTED!)
“Grim UI” by JMD ([REL] Grim UI); → X-Mod partially integrated mainly for bigger vendor/merchant ui in synergy with all other integrated and adjusted ui/hud elements; various files integrated into the OPTIONAL SETTINGS ADDONMOD for a mix between Malmouth and Burrwitch UI theme;
“Accompanying assistan for GD” by tt300 ([MOD]Accompanying assistant (Applicable to GD ~ 1.2.1.X GDX2)); → partially integrated as basemod for the mechanic that is needed for most new Portable + Hotbar NPCs;
“Blade Vortex: 6 different skill Effects - Faster than PoE” by okami29 (Blade Vortex : 6 different skill Effects - Faster than PoE); → partially integrated as a new Exiled Skillgems, added to Lost Treasures;
“Weapons cosmetic (Diablo Immortal)” by okami29 (Weapons cosmetic (Diablo Immortal)); → fully integrated for more new weapons with adjustments, which have been added to Lost Treasures;
“Reign of Terror” by Ram, OwlHeart and their team ([Mod] Reign of Terror); → partially integrated for the health + energy globe assets + some further UI assets (hotbar potions and mainly the cool silver background on most ingame menus) + tex files for the wolfpack + black texture stuff <3
“Grimarillion” by Asylum101 ([REL] Grimarillion v92); → partially integrated mainly for the grimmest and proxy part + the xp-potion + the consumableskilltree template <3
“Alternative Ranged Sounds” by Latannan (Alternative Ranged Sounds at Grim Dawn Nexus - Mods and Community); → partially integrated into the OPTIONAL SETTINGS ADDONMOD ;
"GD clear fonts" by stargater (; → partially integrated into the OPTIONAL SETTINGS ADDONMOD ;
“Larger Cursors” by Dreadmoth (Larger Cursors at Grim Dawn Nexus - Mods and Community); → integrated into the OPTIONAL SETTINGS ADDONMOD ;
“D2 Classes aka Noble Paladin” by DenisMashutikov ([Mod] D2 Classes aka Noble Paladin**)** ; → fully integrated with my own adjustments and synergies to other integrated mods;
· SPECIAL THANKS goes out to “Dawn of Masteries” by mamba (Dawn of Masteries) for various inspirations and the previous integrated Grimmest/Proxy part <3 this has now been removed and/or updated by Grimarillion <3
· SPECIAL THANKS goes out to “GrimLoot” by kakikakeks ( for the lootbeams <3 unfortunatly must have been removed at this point in time after 1.2!
· The intention of this mod is to increase the difficulty and playthroughtime of this great game and to give alot more character build possibilities down the road. In addition, great rewards and some quality of life features will be granted. The plan is to SYNERGIZE all the content of these amazing mods that are integrated to give a great new overall experience. The values for amounts and chances for good items are a bit increased, to test out the mod, aswell as there is an ULTIMATE TESTNPC → CRAZY MIKE, to check out various functions of this modcompilation to help me make things better. (he can be aquired ONLY via the customgame console to not ruin the experience for NON-modtesters, the consolecommand to spawn his summonitem is → game.spawn “records/combomod/portable_npcs/npc05/npc05_usableitem.dbr” ) Let us figure out what is too STRONG and what is too WEAK, for a hard but rewarding playthrough experience in one the best ARPGs on the market right now!
· it is VERY IMPORTANT that you turn this setting OFF in the gameoptions → “Auto Item Tooltips”!!! → else, your game WILL crash!!!
· it is ADVISED to turn this setting to LOW in the gameoptions → “AutoLootRadius”! → for a careful looting of Grim Souls, which can put you into ENDLESS PAIN if you have your lootradius set to a VERY HIGH RADIUS! Also take care if using the tool DPyes with its ability to further increase the lootradius!!
· when starting this mod as a FRESH CHARACTER you should speak to the Emissary to get your first questreward, feel free to choose your path then, if you want to go straight to The Enclave and enter the path to the Shattered Realm, with OR without the STARTERBUFF, which The Emissary CAN grant you, OR if you want to go normally throughout the Campaign, with OR without increased or even nearly normal xp-scaling, you HAVE options! Only one thing is absolutly suggested → CHOOSE 1 Immortal Merc that will fight by your side (you got them all from The Emissary as your first questreward!), buy yourself an available chestarmor and augment it with your Immortal Merc Enchant, this will help tremendously when you will tread your new path throughout Cairn.(THANKS for this suggestion to put this here goes out to LadyofPain from the Forum!)
· when starting this mod as an IMPORTED CHARACTER you should speak to The Omega Immortals Leader in Devils Crossing to obtain additional AP to make him equal to pure mod characters (NEEDS characterlevel 100! → be honest to yourself as this might can be cheated easily xD) and to get yourself the new quests for leveling up your Omega Level and to get intouch with further tasks that will come up.
· everything ELSE you need to know (without reading the given PDF in the optional archive) to get a direction, is described in the new LORENOTE, granted as questreward from the Emissary in Devils Crossing on Normal/Veteran difficulty furthermore this LORENOTE is granted also by the Omega Immortal Leader in Devils Crossing, if you step in with an IMPORTED CHARACTER onto elite/ultimate difficulty!
· about CRASHES or any other issues: IF we can replicate it, it is most likely that it can be fixed, however, do not bother to inform me about it and we will see what we can do about it, many things already have been fixed for good
- folder “ComboMod”: the mod itself, simply copy this folder into your Grim Dawn mods directory, i.e. "c:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\mods";
folder “Optional but highly recommended”:
“CLASS-SKILLS.txt” → an overview on all available class skills that can be modified an augmented, mainly as resource for modders;
“ComboMod NOTES.pdf” → THE overview on what is going on in this modcompilation IN DETAIL, you can also see on what i am working at the moment and what has been updated etc;
“” → new loadingscreens to increase diversity, used with an AMAZING tool by powbam from the official Grim Dawn Forum → [Tool] Loadscreen Switcher → IF you want to have a WAY bigger pool for loadingscreens then only three, i HIGHLY suggest to download this tool → you simply start it BEFORE you load the game, the setup is pretty much self-explanatory, you choose the folder with various pictures you wish to have as loadingscreens, then you check the “randomize” box (i have set the swaptime to 12 seconds) and you are good to go, now you have ALOT more options for loadingscreens to choose from, any you wish, simply add the provided ones here if you like or simply grab your own ones
“DPYes.ini” → configfile for DPYes, preconfigured;
“” → optinal files to put on top to give a full overhaul experience, give it a try
installation the usual way, simply put ALL the included folder to your SETTINGSFOLDER!
NOT included but NICE to have:
“GrimTex” by Xzandiel, you will find it here → GrimTex at Grim Dawn Nexus - Mods and Community → this is an INCREDIBLE texture overhaul that will bring some fresh air into the overall graphics around Cairn! <3***
IF you want to have some EXTRA features that make the game even more enjoyable, like a DPS-METER or FULL CONTROL ON THE INGAME TIMECYCLE, then you WILL need this AMAZING utilitytool by sleepless → [Tool] DPYes - Player/pet DPS meter & Misc util → it brings back the most missed features from our beloved but discontinued GDInternals! <3 → to make this tool work with GrimCam, which is even possible aswell, you WILL need the “GrimCam.dll”, provided by GrimCam, which can be found here → GrimCam at Grim Dawn Nexus - Mods and Community → this is a MUSTHAVE, if you want to have the ability to see itemlabels on the ground from more far away while the zoomout of the gamecamera is increased! (-> the configfile “DPYes.ini” is included in the OPTIONAL ARCHIVE!)***
NOTE: if you zoom out to max, itemlabels will glitch out but that is no problem i think because you can use that to your advantage in larger fights, just zoom out to max to declutter the screen xD***
IMPORTANT NOTE: your overall game performance might be decreased a bit with this tool + GrimCam + my settings here added, mainly noticable at endgame!***
for MODDERS ONLY: a very handy tool and in my opinion a MUSTHAVE for ANYONE who is working with this game is this amazing tool by Ceno → [Tool] [Modding] Grim Dawn Modding Suite → this tool will inform you about ANY malformed references in any database of your mod and even shows you invalid tags, solved alot of errors only by using this tool! BIG THANKS FOR THIS! <3***
Mediafire Mirror:
DL main file:
DL additional file:
Happy hunting!