DPYes - DPS meter & Misc. Utils
DPS Meter for your damage dealt+received and dealt by your pets
Adjust the speed Grim Dawn runs at (TimeScale)
Teleport using GrimInternals_TeleportList.txt
GrimCam integration
Alter/freeze the time of day in game
Auto loot
Show enemy names above them
Configurable auto loot / loot filter
Hide items during combat
Increased zoom limits for devotion tree
Supported game versions
DPYes has been primarilly developed against the Steam version of Grim Dawn:
v1.2.0.3 - v1.2.1.4
v1.2.1.3 PT 16496149
May work with other versions (including GOG)
dpyes-17d.7z (MEGA)
dpyes-17d-crucible.7z (MEGA) (Alpha – backup your saves!)
Previous versions
dpyes-17c.7z (MEGA)
dpyes-17c-crucible.7z (MEGA) (Alpha – backup your saves!)
dpyes-17b.7z (MEGA)
dpyes-17b-crucible.7z (MEGA) (Alpha – backup your saves!)
dpyes-17a.7z (MEGA)
dpyes-17a-crucible.7z (MEGA) (Alpha – backup your saves!)
dpyes-16i.7z (MEGA)
dpyes-16i-crucible.7z (MEGA) (Alpha – backup your saves!)
dpyes-16h.7z (MEGA)
dpyes-16h-crucible.7z (MEGA) (Alpha – backup your saves!)
dpyes-16g.7z (MEGA)
dpyes-16g-crucible.7z (MEGA) (Alpha – backup your saves!)
dpyes-16f.7z (MEGA)
dpyes-16f-crucible.7z (MEGA) (Alpha – backup your saves!)
dpyes-16e.7z (MEGA)
dpyes-16e-crucible.7z (MEGA) (Alpha – backup your saves!)
dpyes-16c.7z (MEGA)
dpyes-16c-crucible.7z (MEGA) (Alpha – backup your saves!)
dpyes-16b.7z (MEGA)
dpyes-16b-crucible.7z (MEGA) (Alpha – backup your saves!)
dpyes-16a.7z (MEGA)
dpyes-16a-crucible.7z (MEGA) (Alpha – backup your saves!)
dpyes-15e.7z (MEGA)
dpyes-15e-crucible.7z (MEGA) (Alpha – backup your saves!)
dpyes-15d.7z (MEGA)
dpyes-15d-crucible.7z (MEGA) (Alpha – backup your saves!)
dpyes-15c.7z (MEGA)
dpyes-15c-crucible.7z (MEGA) (Alpha – backup your saves!)
dpyes-15b.7z (MEGA)
dpyes-15b-crucible.7z (MEGA) (Alpha – backup your saves!)
dpyes-15.7z (MEGA)
dpyes-15-crucible.7z (MEGA) (Alpha – backup your saves!)
dpyes-14m.7z (MEGA)
dpyes-14m-crucible.7z (MEGA) (Alpha – backup your saves!)
dpyes-14l.7z (MEGA)
dpyes-14l-crucible.7z (MEGA) (Alpha – backup your saves!)
dpyes-x64-auto-launch.7z (MEGA) (optional)
Standard install
Similar to GrimInternals, extract the archive so both files (DPYes.exe
and DPYes.dll
) are in the same folder as Grim Dawn.exe
Then run DPYes.exe
, which will launch Grim Dawn.
F5 toggles the Config window.
Automatic launch
This will cause DPYes to be loaded with Grim Dawn no matter how it’s launched – via Steam or another mod tool.
Extract DPYes.dll
from the main download link as above
Extract the winmm.dll
file from dpyes-x64-auto-launch.7z
into Grim Dawn’s x64
DPYes should now start automatically with Grim Dawn
Automatic launch on Steam Deck / Linux
Ok I finally got this working on steam deck with auto launch.
In properties, general, set launch option to x64, then add
WINEDLLOVERRIDES=“winmm=n,b” %command%
to the text box.
Under compatibility, check the box and select Proton 7.0-6 (this also stops the memory leak)
In desktop mode you do the installation as stated in the first post.
Installing the VC++ redistributable using protontricks:
Install/Launch protontricks
Select Grim Dawn and click ok
Select default wine prefix, ok
Debug logs from DPYes
can be captured with Sysinternals’ DebugView .
December 16, 2023, 11:37am
root folder not X64
Good catch! I didn’t notice
I report that it works for both GOG and STEAM
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if I put it in the root directory, then like this:
v0.0.2 has been uploaded which removes the dependency on freetype.dll
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Thank you. Everything is working!
1 Like
“Freetype.dll” google such down
Sweeet!! Transparent UI and everything
Yes, it is working. Thank you.
December 17, 2023, 9:10am
DPYes - DPS meter & Misc. Utils
Much attention is being paid to it, hoping to surpass GI.
December 17, 2023, 8:14pm
Are there any plans to add auto pick items option?
Perhaps, if it’s possible to do so in a version agnostic way.
I’m loosely attempting to not tie the tool to a specific game version – the idea being DPYes won’t necessarily need to be updated for new Grim Dawn versions.
v0.0.3 has been uploaded which adds Teleports using entries from GrimInternals_TeleportList.txt
Also newly hidden away in the Debug section are some font options:
December 19, 2023, 12:40pm
Can it support multiple languages?
In addition, I hope that it can display the detailed information of the item, including the appearance picture and database path, when the mouse points to the dropped item like GI.
For example:
In addition, GI can also use GrimCam.dll to unlock any viewing angle, which is also a very practical function.
Normal zoom:
Looking up and looking down:
Attached is a GI operation diagram of the main menu for reference.
I’m a Korean user. The Korean in the teleport list is written as “?” The list is the same as when I used “GD Hacker”, and it worked fine in “GD Hacker”.
Can you solve this problem? Even if I changed the encoding of the teleport list to “ANSI”, “UTF-8”, the result value was the same.
Play around with the font.
Debug → Font config
Oh, thank you. I solved it
Among many fonts, only “Gulim.TTC” is written in Korean correctly. Thank you for your tip
December 19, 2023, 2:54pm
There is also a problem with Chinese encoding not being recognized, which we hope can be solved.
This solved it.
This is not encoding. This is the lack of font. In the post above, a person solved a similar problem. Play around with the font.
1 Like
December 19, 2023, 3:47pm
Thank you for your reply. The problem has been solved.
It’s a pity that the settings cannot be saved.
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