Discontinued - use [Tool] DPYes - Player/pet DPS meter & Misc util instead
Russian keyboard not supported atm (speed change works though).
Light skin can be chosen in the config file.
GDHackerGUI_1.2.0.3_GOG.zip (895.3 KB)
GDHackerGUI_1.2.0.3_Steam.zip (895.4 KB)
Installation & launch
Make sure you play the proper version of Grim Dawn by having x64 and game’s version in right lower corner in Main Menu.
The files don’t need to be extracted anywhere. Just put the folder with them wherever you want and (recommended) make a shortcut to GDHacker.exe and put it on your desktop so that you never have to look at these other files (unless you want to change something in the .txt files) and be confused.
Launch GDHacker.exe. It doesn’t matter if it’s done before or after launching Grim Dawn.
if the buttons are not being highlighted when you hover over them while the game’s launched, it means the program is not working correctly
check out options config.txt to adjust the program to your preferences
Navigation with 
How to use GDHacker efficiently with keyboard only example
(optional) you launch the game Alt + L from GDHacker
[there will probably be a Launch GD (or Launch GD button)
so that you can launch the game with Alt + L (or Alt + G)]
if the game’s already opened the button will just go to the game / activate it’s window -
you choose your character, get into the map and Alt + Tab till you switch to GDHacker
you change the speed by pressing Alt + S
(although there will probably be automatic speed change available)
[can be done when you’re in Main Menu, not necessarily in-game with your character] -
Tab Tab (or Shift + tab)… to Location List and select a location using one of the 2 keyboard methods shown in the Teleport section in this post
to open the list, press Alt + Up/Down
GDHacker will probably launch with previous location already selected (I’ll add this behavior)
Alt + T to teleport and go back to the game
Detected as malware
[update] I managed to change the way I compile the program so that most and reputable AV companies don’t report it as a threat. You can see Avira, McAfee, Malwarebytes, Symantec etc below … Some other companies just don’t respond to reports of their detections being false positives / don’t analyze it further.
Even if you make the simplest program in AutoHotkey such as
MsgBox, Hello World!
it gets a few detection like that.
It’s a false positive. The program only creates GUI, saves to config.txt and changes some bytes in the Grim Dawn process. I’d never try to harm users of my programs (I don’t even know how to), have a solid reputation of helping others (nearly 6k on this forum) and don’t want to lose that. You can read or search this thread that nobody has reported any suspicious activity (and I can’t delete posts here). Also if necessary, I’m willing to give some well-known person on the forum access to my repos and even have them compile the programs / prepare releases on their own if needed.
You may not know this, but anti-virus programs are not that smart and they just flag everything that is unknown / suspicious / hard to analyze for them. It’s even more common problem for AutoHotkey programs. The “hacker” in the name doesn’t help either I guess.
But I used it deliberately because that’s my character, I don’t like BS and call everything for what it is. And this field is called “Game Hacking”. Grim Internals is way more invasive that my little program despite being just “Internals”. But GlockenGerda is a much better developer than me, probably used a more popular programming language like C++ and knows better how to avoid being flagged like that.
Other GD trainers and Cheat Engine (which is a very popular, main stream tool) are also detected as malware, you can check it for yourself, so maybe it just goes with the territory.
You can even get flagged if you make a Hello Word program in C++ Hello World c++ program reported as Trojan:Win32/Wacatac.C!ml by Windows Defender
Even has problem with anti-viruses:
I think my machine is also clean as I scanned it with multiple tools over the years and I never had any viruses except some bitcoin miner embedded in a South Park episode.
trojan wacatac false positive - Google Search
My antivirus program flagged AutoHotkey or a compiled script as malware. Is it really a virus?
doesn’t have GI’s restrictions - for example you can teleport into roguelike dungeons / directly to Crate etc.
reads the good ol’ GrimInternals_TeleportList.txt (proper encoding might be needed currently)
either click a button or press Alt + T to teleport
how to select location efficiently with keyboard if having a lot of locations
(and if you don’t want to use a mouse)-
to open location list with
, press Alt + Up/Down
pressing letters to jump between locations starting with a letter (B in this example).
This can be done with the list either closed or opened as seen in the gif
searching for a location by typing its prefix, for example Dev for Devil’s Crossing which is possible with Sort enabled in the config
This can be done with the list either closed or opened as seen in the gif
Save location (coming soon™)
Game speed
either click a button or press Alt + S to change game’s speed
can be done when you’re in Main Menu, not necessarily in-game with your character
Mogdrogen reset
you need to be in-game not in Main Menu
Alt+Tab to the program and either press the “Reset Mogdrogen!” button or Alt + M
after that you need to restart the session (go to Main Menu and then in-game again)
Mogdrogen should be willing to fight with you again
- of course I recommend teleporting to him using the program