Dawn of Masteries 1.6.a from ModDB
Dawn of Masteries 1.6.a from NexusMods
Rainbow file, thanks Matougi
I have been thinking of creating a mod that collects the various mastery mods for a while now. Obviously there is no point in replicating Grimarillion, and with the initial limit to the number of masteries a mod could have, I went with a somewhat different set of masteries.
The mod brings back some of the ‘forgotten’ mastery mods which were not upgraded for FG (Cataclysm and NCFF) while not including Zenith.
With Grim Dawn version increasing the mastery limit, Dawn of Masteries added the Zenith and Diablo 2 (Noble Paladin) mods, so from a mastery perspective the mod is now a superset of Grimarillion.
While the mod contains the below mods, I rearranged the .dbr structure. This means that you cannot transfer a char from any of the included mastery mods (or Grimarillion) to this one.
In order to have a reasonable chance of finding the unique item you are looking for, despite all the additional uniques, dismantling a unique item now has a 50% chance to result in an epic or legendary token. These tokens can be traded for a unique item at specialized blacksmiths. The items to summon these blacksmiths can be bought at the Devil’s Crossing faction vendor. As dismantling requires dynamite, the DC faction vendor is now also selling dynamite.
Included mods
- Cataclysm v1.99 / Cataclysm Redone 0.53 by 3JIou
- Diablo 2 v0.8.12 by DenisMashutikov
- Diablo 3 DE 4.6HF1 by Grimer and okami29
- Grim Quest v87a by ASYLUM101
- NCFF v1.32b by cftx
- Sparker v1.6 by okami29
- Zenith v87a by Ceno
- Grimmest FG v1.1.4 by jiaco
- Grim UI X-Mod Hoarder v2.04 by JMD
- Hairstylist by Mendez42
- Wings by okami29
- Cosmetic Auras from Path of Grim Dawn by Kanjineo
- Reskill by Ceno
- Devotion Gems from Extended Mayhem by zchott
- Mis from GrimLeague Season 3
- Bounties Unlocked by Ceno
- GrimLoot loot beams by kakikakeks
- Environmental FX from GrimFX by kakikakeks
- 1.5.1 Diablo 2 updated to v0.8.12, Diablo 3 updated to Definitive Edition 4.6HF1, Grim Quest updated to v87a, Zenith updated to v87a, Grim UI updated to X-Hoarder v2.04
- 1.5.0 Updated to Grim Dawn
- 1.4.0 Diablo 2 updated to v0.8.10, Diablo 3 updated to Definitive Edition U4.1, Grim Quest updated to v86, Zenith updated to v86
- 1.3.0 Diablo 2 updated to v0.89, Diablo 3 updated to 4.1u2, GD incorporated
- 1.2.9 Grim Quest updated to v82
- 1.2.8 Grim Quest updated to v81, Diablo 3 updated to 4.0u2
- 1.2.7 Diablo 3 updated to 4.0u1, MIs from GrimLeague Season 3 added
- 1.2.6 New summonable NPC to exchange unique items for tokens
- 1.2.5 Grim UI updated to X-Hoarder (requires rearrangement of items), Diablo 2 updated to v0.833b
- 1.2.4 Diablo 3 updated to 3.9, Grim UI updated to X-Storage
- 1.2.3 Sparker updated to 1.6, Reskill expanded to skill modifiers
- 1.2.2 Diablo 3 updated to 3.8U1
- 1.2.1 Diablo 3 updated to 3.8
- 1.2.0 Uniques drop directly. Tokens can be gained from dismantling (50% chance)
- 1.1.0 Diablo 2 updated to 0.883
- 1.0.9 Diablo 3 updated to 3.7HF1, GrimQuest updated to v80a
- 1.0.8 Diablo 3 updated to 3.7, Sparker updated to 1.3
- 1.0.7 Diablo 3 updated to 3.6, GrimQuest updated to v79a
- 1.0.6 GrimQuest updated to v78, Zenith updated to v78, Sparker updated to 1.2b
- 1.0.5 Diablo 3 updated to 3.5, Sparker mastery added, Grimmest FG changed to also spawn bosses
- 1.0.4 Diablo 3 updated to 3.4, Grim Quest updated to v77d
- 1.0.3 Grim Quest updated to 77c, Reskill added, Devotion Gems from Extended Mayhem added, Environmental FX from GrimFX added
- 1.0.2 Grim Quest updated to 77
- 1.0.1 Diablo 2 updated to 0.87, Diablo 3 updated to 3.3
- 1.0.0 Update for GD, blueprints for high level uniques with affixes added
- 0.9.9 Diablo 2 masteries added, Cataclysm masteries updated (thanks MVP), NCFF high level uniques added
- 0.9.8 Grim Quest updated to 76, Cataclysm masteries changed to Cataclysm Redone (where available)
- 0.9.7 Grim Quest updated to 75b, Zenith masteries added
- 0.9.6b Frost Knight mastery added
- 0.9.6a Update for Grim Dawn, Monk and Necromancer from NCFF added, additional cosmetic auras from Path of Grim Dawn added
- 0.9.6 Update from Grim UI Hoarder to Grim UI X-Mod, cosmetic auras from Path of Grim Dawn, fix for unique token drops
- 0.9.5 Updated to latest Grim UI, the Grim UI skins can now be switched out by exchanging the Grim_UI_X-Mod.arc of the mod, fixes to Harbinger, Hive Queen, and +1 to mastery components
- 0.9.4: Stasher mod replaced by Grim UI - Hoarder mod, bugfixes
- 0.9.3: Grim Quest updated to Grimarillion 74a
- 0.9.2: additional wings added, Cataclysm augments now drop, NCFF armor values updated to current standard
- 0.9.1: bugfixes
- 0.9.0: Grimmest FG added
- 0.8.1 - 0.8.6: bugfixes
- 0.8.0: initial release