[Mod] Reign of Terror

Yes, I think it does happen with some mods that not all items are shown. And the name thing is standard for mods too. If you take a character into the mod to start a play session then come out again, the names will show up properly; it just doesn’t register until you do that on mods for some reason.

All common Act 5 enemies have a 2.5-3.5% chance to drop items from the global loottables so they should be dropping the same stuff as in any other Act, just within higher ilevel range.

Charm drop sound without any loot showing is a known bug that hasn’t been fixed yet.

This happens with all mods that have any custom items which are not present in Grim Dawn files because the main menu loads only GD database and resources. There is a workaround for loading custom mod content in the GD main menu, however it involves merging mod files with root GD files and is not recommended unless the person knows exactly how to do it. Another issue with this approach is that the user is required to repeat the process every time a new GD update is released and also after every verification of game files. On top of that, any mod-made changes to GD content would be transferred to the GD campaign.

Can the GD developers add loading mod files to the main menu when selecting a mod? Then it would be possible to set your own background and change other menu items. That would be cool!

Big thanks to the devs of this mod.

A few questions for devs and expert players.

Do Sorc Hydras count as pets? Will pet bonuses apply? What about Sorc cast speed, does that affect the Hydra attacks?

To devs: Not sure if it’s even possible (never played GD before this mod). Any plans on releasing the D2 characters and items as its own mod so we could play the GD campaigns but with the D2 characters/items? When I’ve exhausted RoT I’d like to try GD, but would love to do it with the extra D2 flavours!

Thanks again

D2 classes are part of Dawn of Masteries.Waiting for new update so other 2 classes shows.
It’s not to this extent as this was customized and rebalanced for RoT.


Really appreciate that! This is great news.

I was also wondering if ALL of the grimdawn and diablo2 item database could be looted?
Do we have higher tiers unique and mythic purple items in grimdawn and higher tiers in D2?

Kept meaning to ask but never got around to it:Is the music sometimes not playing because of this being a mod? Once in a while I’ll start a session and no music plays but all the other sounds do.

Thank you for this experience

All the GD Items are here, Mythicals as well. All D2 items are here, sets, uniques, and runewords. They currently do not have any Mythicals as of right now.

This is due to the engine not liking all the quick zone changes. Last I knew there was nothing we can do about it.

I’ve noticed recently that some texture/model does not appear in my game:

  • Spear/javelin model does not appear.

  • The corrupted rogue enemies in Act 1 appears naked without armor & weapon for some reason. So too the sabre cats from Act 2 apparently.

  • Act 2 mercenary has his spear missing.

Is there anyway to fix these models? I’ve installed the patch v0.6.2.1 but it does not seem to fix the problem.

*Edit: just added one more missing texture I found.

The Spear and Javelin models I noticed about 3 days ago while I was working on them, so they will be fixed in the next patch.

I will look into your other points and hopefully get those fixed (If they need fixed).

Thank you!

what’s up guys, i just beat the game on normal, as soon as i start to play on nightmare difficulty, i noticed it takes too long to level up, i am level 49 right now, and im half way through act 1, i only got like half way to 50. so i am just wondering, is this just me or, its normal

Just wanted to thank you for all the hard work you guys put into this mod, having a blast!

Thanks. I was wondering if these missing textures only happened to me.

For the context, I used RoT Launcher last year to install the mod. Since then I only update by downloading & copying the update files manually.

This is normal. It will be slow till midway through Act 3.

It is my plan that the next patch after the one going into Beta soon, to work on the experience and difficulty curve. To make it more consistent throughout the leveling process.

thx for reply, and really awesome job, enjoyed every second of playing your mod

error update 464 mb

This is amazing! Thank you all for the great work! Having never played D2, I’m coming from a different point of view than most but I can assure you it is wonderfully fun from here as well! Looking forward to whatever you have for us next!