Comeback player LF Build

After months of not playing GD i’m scrolling through the forums to look for a new build to start out again. I got a lot of questions and hope they might get answered by a experienced player.

  1. I personally would love to get a character like this: . The problem is that it probably has a lof of requirments and last time i played something melee like this would be a pain in the ass to level(especially defensive wise). Since there is no leveling guide is this not a smart character to aim for?

  2. I know that almost anything can be workable but some melee skills would stound out over others, not too gear specific for example. Where does cold dw BM stand compared to a phys soldier/warden or other examples?

  3. Which class combinations/builds are top atm… meaning strong without being ultra gear specific?? Last time i played anything Demo and Soldier was just broken.

  4. As you can tell i would love to play a proc based (melee) charafter and preferably cold. Is that not to smartest compared to other examples? If not i am open to any other build like DW Ranged or Spellcaster. But anything that is levelable.

PS: i looked through all the beginner build and non of them caught my attention excdpt for maybe the DW ranged one.

Thanks in advance!

Is it safe to assume that you haven’t played the game since pre-AoM expansion? In any case, to summarize an answer to all questions, i would recommend trying out a cold based infiltrator. Many top tier builds revolve around it, it’s easy and fun to level up (Rune of Hagarrad ftw as a leveling tool) and it can work very well for a semi melee/caster playstyle.

PS: you don’t necessarily need to go for a Deathmarked build. There are other builds out there with less requirements (not as strong as that one though). Silver Sentinel set (epic set fairly easy to come by) can get the job done and allow you to farm for Deathmarked, if you want to.

Around that period, think a week or so after. I checked some of those builds and a lot of them are dot based and/or spellcasters, while i was looking for dw melee. And those also make me wonder about item requirments(a lot of g4/g5 builds). I guess i’ll wait for someone to answer some of my specific questions…
Thanks anyway!

I have plans to update Chthons old blademaster guide for beginners when Forgotten Gods is out.

You can find the original guide here

I am also gonna do a beginner/budget guide for one more dual wield melee build… not sure what yet (reaper or infiltrator or trickster or … )

But I can assume that you are not a beginner but do have some level 100 chars and plenty of lvl 94 gear already.

Just because a build does not have a leveling guide doesent mean that it is hard to do. But remember that g2 and higher builds require lots of specific items to work.

Cool, looking forward to it :smiley:

Yeah I have testplayed the build(s), now I just need to figure out if it needs to change and make the write-up. Also I need to look over my old beginner builds to adjust for Forgotten gods but should not take that many weeks until I have a finished dual wield guide :slight_smile:

Answers to op questions:

  1. Deathmarked blademaster. Go for it. I personally prefer infiltrator as if you’re bored with melee you can always do runes or Phantasmal and with bm you’re stuck with melee. And some gear for infiltrator (Silver Sentinel) might be more easy to get.

  2. Cold is currently the strongest melee in the game, whether it’s Cadence bm, Savagery trickster or Beronath Fury infiltrator. Phys builds are far behind but tend to be tankier. Second, in GD there’s no such thing as “not gear specific” (in my opinion). The strength of a class is primarily defined by the gear supporting it and secondarily by the quality of resistance reduction (thus infiltrator is on top cause of two rr auras; but there are exceptions ofc like apostate isn’t stronger than spellbinder even though it has double rr) and then by other skills.

  3. Nex & Ortus or Deathmarked infiltrator is the strongest melee followed closely by trickster, blademaster and also Malakor tactician.

  4. Look above. DW cold melee is top tier. Go for it. Infiltrator, trickster or blademaster. Or level solo nightblade and decide once FG hits.

I should do that too. Would be my 5th nightblade to level, not counting the mods :rolleyes:

OP here, about 3. Yes i saw both builds, i think the Deathmarked is a bit better and will probably go for that. I asked the OP of that build for a leveling guide, grimtool at level 20/40/60/80 and what to build around… since on BM it is easy to go 2 handed Soldier but Nightblade is harder to level. So i wondered how to level most efficient on Infiltrator

It’s not that hard to level Infiltrator.In early portions of the game Words of pain delete crowd fast,later on you have ice rune as boss killer and inquisitor seal+2 heals for defense.You can build hybrid using that combine with shard of beronath and nightbalde wps,shadow strike for mobility,two auras for passive damage-censure and veil of shadow(also provides rr).Infiltrator is very fast character for levelling.For weapons you have a lots of good choices.Malkadarr blade is guaranteed drop,Chillstrifes and Spectral longsword are also option,and that weapon is selled from vendor too.At elite there is chance of dropping common items like non mythical Silver Sentinel and Eastern legs.I have levelled both BM and Infiltrator and there are not that different.

Indeed. Fast leveling with WoP and RoH. At low levels, rushing for Night’s Chill (for great RR) + poison/cold weapon is devastating.