Coming in the Near Future - A Starter Guide for playing on Vanquisher

Hey all, I’ve seen a lot of people having trouble with many things in the game on these forums. So I have begun writing a guide to help Trailblazer players succeed in Vanquisher within the framework of this current patch (which has changed things up). I have just finished writing Year 1, and plan to publish and post on this forum the unfinished guide after upgrading the Town Centre to Tier 3.

This guide will assume you’re familiar enough with the game to do fine on Trailblazer, and will first focus on Lowland Lakes. Later work will focus on Tier 3 and 4 priorities, Military/Raids, and later the differences when playing Arid Highlands (the hard hard mode). This may radically change how you lay out your settlements from the start, but most of this radical change will be applicable to the first 2 tiers, hence why I will do an early release (some of you will be pretty capable of going on ahead from this point).