[Commando] Paladin of the Light [v1.0.0.5 HC]

I see… I asked it because I have a very similar Commando that is Physical, Fire and Lightning Damage oriented, and the Lens worked better than the Mark of Illusions in my case.

Enjoying this build so far. At lev 73, early in ultimate.

Just wanted to note that in your leveling section, the link for Level 60 is kind of messed up and actually contains both the level 40 and level 60 links, as well as a bunch of text.

I was able to extract the 2 links:


It wouldn’t let me paste those as actual links due to post count

What weapon are you using ? and do you need the full justicar set to be ultimate viable ? . I just found gear which has health bonuses for the most part so I can be a bit tanky (works for the most part).

can this build be altered to be ranged? if so what would be changed.

My Commando is very similar to this build. I use Fire Strike instead of Cadence though. I can kill Moosilauke, Valdaran and Benn’Jahr really easily (still haven’t unlocked Fabius and Iron Maiden though) and i beat the Dalia quest boss rather easily. My Menhrir’s Will did proc twice in that fight because i swear one of the clones debuffs you.

I do use Hellborne as my secondary weapon since it’s so similar to Infernal Brimstone. Mainly to get some extra damage on Benn and Moosi.

Just popping in to let you know I appreciate your post. Been wanting to do a Commando for a while now and yours is a great place to start. I am so grateful to those of you that take the time to do up these threads.

Interesting. Might give this one a try.

If you want to play ranged commando then you should take Fire Strike as your main skill, unless you want to build around Valdun’s Treachery set then stick with Cadence.


Why didn’t u go for ulzin torch?

Anyway thx the build.

Awesome build. I look forward to trying it. One question, how do you get such high HP regen? I see hp regen on two rings/amulet/medal.

Is it with the tree of life proc/buff on?

Cool build, Zars.

I know you must have been sweating bullets during that 149 wave. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ulzuin’s Torch is a good alternative for sure, but I want it to be defensively strong so I chose Tree of Life for massive healing and HP, the weapon also have good meteor proc(which have %weapon damage) already. I think you could get Light of Empyrion with Tree of Life too, if you sacrifice some points.

Hp regen come from Vindictive Flame, Devotion(Harvestmen’s Scythe/Tree of Life), Judicator Rings and High Physique. All of my build screenshots are included passives and Aura buffs, but do not included on proc buffs from devotions, skills or items. So no the screenshots are without Tree of Life proc, with Tree of Life on, 900-1K Hp regen can be reached.

It was my first time ever in Crucible Gladiator so…

It’s me or your devotion road is impossible? I don’t understand .
Where is the first green point ? https://grimcalc.com/build/wJWCSI0
Well great build ^^

Edit: ok i see in the first video that was possible so it’s me oO
edit 2: after 300 hours of play i know now how work devotion xD

You can remove points from constellation that are not require for affinity with Spirit Guide, the one who lets you remove points from skills.
Constellations can sustain themselves if their bonuese are enough to do so. So it’s like a puzzle game of some sort.

Thank you for this nice build

Why do not you use the skill “Discord”?
(Physical damage converted to elemental damage 15% 30% 50%)

Because that would shift a lot of damage from physical (which he has high bonuses for) to cold and lightning (which he has no bonuses for)

‘elemental’ damage is 1/3 fire, 1/3 cold, 1/3 lightning. Converting to elemental is a bad idea unless you have good bonuses for all three or at least 2 of those types. If you’re building as physical+ fire then physical to elemental conversion is the last thing you want.

Yes i understand now , thanks to you.Really a good build.I’m lvl 68 now and i can try the set.
I play on softcore so i try a little changement in devotion, but i’m not sure that was worth. ( Empyrion light ).
Well ty you again.

I gave up on my Ultos Elementalist as the survivability was way below my expectations although the dps was crazy.

Your build looks interesting! Thanks for posting such a detailed guide!

Can’t they do even Mogderogen? Or what put you off? Crucible?

I never tried Mogdrogen but yes, its performace in Crucible was kinda disappointing.