[Commando] Paladin of the Light [v1.0.0.5 HC]

Long time no post…Just came back to GD a week before v1.0.05 hit.
My first build post for a full game version, so enjoy!! :smiley:

This build came together from my first thought of making build with Infernal Brimstone. I tried with Elementalist but it didn’t reach my expectation I had about the build, because it lacks mobility skill, no %OA and Wendigo Totem does not fit with the theme of the build.

So with Infernal Brimstone in my main interest I started to look for other items I had, Justicar Armor set came to my mind, I had completed this set quite sometime but never use a full set (before v1.0.04), I tested the 4pcs proc and it worked great. Forcewave and Blitz + skill bonuses in the set together had me doubt the set a little bit, the changed to passive bonuses to only requires melee weapon is great, 2H could use it just as much as 1H + shield. I thought of using Fire Strike as a main damage dealer. Tremor wouldn’t be much good with Infernal Brimstone, so I’ll just put 1 point in it for stun (soon I realized this could be use as a combo with Flashbang to stop enemies from running around;)), same as Blitz for knockdown and close the gap. I planned 2 build versions, first went with full Demolitionist to take Brimstone and second version full Soldier with Oleron’s Rage, at first glance Oleron’s Rage seemed like a better choice but my other thoughts want to use as much as + skills in Demolitionist as possible, as I were comparing both versions, Oleron’s is much better than taking Brimstone and as I were leveling the build with Fire Strike, no long after level 40+ I tried Cadence, it felt much better than Fire Strike but I switched back to Fire Strike just to stick with the original plan of using Fire Strike as a main damage dealer.

Fast forward to level 85 after I best ultimate Loghorrean I can felt the damage from Fire Strike is a little too low, it’s too focused on fire/burn and not doing enough damage even with resistance reduction, plus melee Fire Strike need WPS to do AoE, it took many points for ZT to work, after switched to Cadence I came to and conclusion that Cadence is much better skill (at least for 2H and what’s up with lacking of energy cost reduction on Searing Might? /Rant). Lower point requirement better division of physical and fire damage, higher % weapon damage, so more burning damage from weapon. This build is quite gear dependent, actually my most gear dependent build at the moment, non of my other build used full legendary items anyway.




[INDENT][INDENT]Base skills http://grimcalc.com/build/1006-OENmWH
Base skills + Bonuses http://grimcalc.com/build/1006-ny4s0r[/INDENT][/INDENT][/LEFT]

-Melee 2H build around Infernal Brimstone and Justicar Armor set
-No Templar but Paladin because Templar use both fire and lightning, similar thematic build
-Defensive oriented stack a lot of HP regen and other defensive attributes, with 1H + shield this could be even tankier[/INDENT][/INDENT][/LEFT]


[INDENT][INDENT]- Forcewave + Tremor + Rending Force (AoE/Stun/Debuff)

  • Blitz + Blindside (Mobility/CC)
  • Field Command + Squad Tactics (Buff)
  • Oleron’s Rage (Buff)
  • Flame Touched + Temper (Buff)
  • Flashbang (CC/Debuff)
  • Thermite Mine (Debuff)
  • Blackwater Cocktail + Demon Fire + Agonizing Flames (Devotion Proc/Resistance Reduction)
  • Vindictive Flame (Buff/Healing/CC)


-Faceguard of Justice

-Shoulderguards of Justice

-Chestguard of Justice

-Handguards of Justice

-Hellforged Legplates/Chausses of Barbaros/
Empowered Legplates of Valor

-Golemborn Greaves

-Infernal Brimstone

-Thread of Mortality/Avatar of Mercy/Avenger of Cairn

-Mark of Divinity/Badge of Mastery/Any good green one

-Open Hand of Mercy/Closed Fist of Vengeance/Lifegiver Signet/Ring of the Black Matriarch

-Ulzuin’s Torment/Reforged Chains of Oleron/Sash of the Immortal Sage

-Ulzuin’s Pyroclasm/Oleron’s Wrath[/INDENT][/INDENT]



Jewelry : Kymon’s Will/Overseer’s Gaze/Cairn’s Hope/[Survivor’s Ingenuity](Survivor’s Ingenuity)

Weapon: Potent Creed’s Cunning/Potent Menhir’s Blessing




I chose defensive devotions mostly so I went Tree of Life as a healing proc. Turtle is really important especially for Hardcore. Ulto provide great utility, alternatively you can go Solemn Watcher instead. The rest I went for resistance reduction and of course Kraken for any 2H build.

If you are softcore or want a bit more offensivee setup, abandon Tree of Life and Primodial/Order devotion. Go Ulzuin’s Torch and Behemoth instead

Devotion Route

I rush Kraken here because it’s the most important devotion for any 2H build

[ul]1 point in Eldritch Crossroad

[ul]Complete Spider

[ul] 1 point in Primordial Crossroad

[ul]Complete Eel

[ul]Complete Kraken

[ul]Remove points in Primordial and Eldritch Crossroad

[ul]Complete Fiend (Flame Torrent assigned to Cadence)

[ul]1 point in Order Crossroad

[ul]Complete Turtle

[ul] 1 point in Ascendant Crossroad

[ul]Complete Empty Throne

[ul]Complete Harvestman’s Scythe

[ul]Remove all points in Empty Throne and Ascendant Crossroad

[ul]Complete Jackal

[ul]Complete Solael’s Witchblade (Eldritch Fire Assigned to Canister Bomb)

[ul]1 point in Chaos Crossroad

[ul]Remove all points in Jackal

[ul]Complete Scholar’s Light

[ul]Remove all points in Sipder

[ul]Complete Panther

[ul]Complete Ulo the Keeper of the Waters or Solenm Watcher

[ul]Complete Tree of Life

  • 1 free point, I put in Lion. You can put it any where you want


Full Physique, self-explanation…:rolleyes:[/INDENT][/INDENT]



Level 20

Level 40

Level 60

Level 70

Level 80[/INDENT][/INDENT]


Blitz into the fray throw Flashbang then Forcewave to stop enemies from running away, use BWC to reduces enemy’s resistances and hit them with Cadence, cycle the rotation until they die.[/INDENT][/INDENT]


[INDENT]If you read all the way through this, thank you. This is for the first time after so long of absent from Grim Dawn. The build is what I’d ever hope for a Paladin/Templar theme build, so give it a time and tweak it as you like. I hope this guide is clear enough for you to read. I have a couple of builds I’d like to post if I’m in a mood and have time to write. Thank you again!! Peace out…;)[/INDENT]

Looks great. You should consider maxing flashbang though.

Welcome back bud! I just dusted off your Templar (commando) and Soul Stealer (spellbreaker)! Good to see you posting builds again, and thank you for sharing. Here’s hoping you update that fancy spellbreaker. <3

i think grimcalc link is wrong. cadence is for leveling or not?

A Commando build, nice ! and your char looks really cool

didn’t have time to read all the details but it looks promising, congrats !

Why no points into BC (Blackwater Cocktail), isn`t what a good dmg reduction? And why use turtle, which give so low boost even in HC. I bet there are many other good options too. Also is it really not worth putting 1 points to ZT and CS? War Cry is also not so good?

Also aren`t there other options like changing weapon and building around Meteor Shower devotion?

So far very nicely written, nice job!

I too made a commando around the justicar set, but mine is 1h + shield and the devotion is completely different. Since with a shield, I use siegebreaker, the character is much tankier I went for Oleron. Before I settled on that setup I did use the whole blue/yellow section, with tree of life. Character became virtually impossible to kill but dps was annoyingly low. You really need all the damage you can get when you use a shield.

I changed olerons rage for menhirs wall and added shield training, both no brainers with a shield.

The rest of the skills however are surprisingly similar, I too came to the conclusion that fire strike damage is mediocre and since the buff to cadence it’s the clear winner. There’s a bit of difference in how many points are placed in some skills but nothing major.

The one difference is that I didn’t even bother putting any points in forcewave, that skill just disappoints me in every way. And my build doesn’t need it either, the only place where I could use a stun is against bosses and hey, those are completely immune to it.


Should add that I did try a full forcewave setup (no tremor), with the perfect weapon for it, earthsplitter. At level 26 it still couldn’t one hit most trash mobs, I gave up in frustration after that.

I don’t like chasing confused enemies, especially for melee build. Flashbang at level 12 have a huge radius, at that point Forcewave wouldn’t be able to stun all of them, I’d end up chasing them instead. I can see it great for debuff bosses though, but I don’t feel like cutting down other skills to max Flashbang.

Unfortunately I don’t play any of my old builds anymore. I don’t have plan to build any DW spellbreaker either.

Cadence is what I recommended to be using all the way since level 1 to the end. I think you are confused because my Loghorrean video show me using Fire Strike. That because I used Fire Strike (my original plan) from level 1 until level 85 that I tried Cadence again, then I decided to use Cadence instead because it out right better than Fire Strike.

Yes it look nice and thematically fit the build.

BWC with Hight Potency sure is a good debuff I know, I don’t use BWC and War Cry because I have % damage reduction from Kymon’s Will.

Turtle Shell helps buying some time for me to recover before getting in a fight again, it can absorb some heavy hits before it breaks.

Counter Strike is a bad skill it adds nothing at all, the damage is too low. I don’t see any benefit for putting 1 point in ZT, first I don’t have any + Soilder skill at all, level 1 ZT will likely reduces my DPS, 8% chance to proc with 75%WD is no helping. Slower enemies attack is wasted because it don’t stack with slow from Searing Light

Shield build with Blitz is really good, it gets double flat damage from skills and items like the set bonuses, Deadly momentum, Flame Touched and Temper. You should try build around Blitz, but I doubt that would be optimal giving have much point shield build need to spend on shield related skills.

Fire Strike seems to be a good choice at first but yea Cadence triumph over Fire Strike now for 2H or shield build, lower point investment, better DPS.

May start levelling this build, but not sure.

Appreciate if you could add the augments listing for respective armor?


How you can have tree of life complete with only 50 pts ? i follow your order, but something seems wrong :confused:

Simply, take other constellations and remove them later. Not so hard to learn. If you still can`t find out how, I can post step by step…

Hi, ty for answering.

I’ve follow his explanations here, but i haven’t enough point to complete tree of life. Check the grimcalc, it’s not possible, even with his “complete/remove”.

If i’m very dumb, explain me why. Something wrong here. Thanks a lot.

Devotion Route

        I rush Kraken here because it's the most important devotion for any 2H build

            1 point in Eldritch Crossroad

            Complete Spider

            1 point in Primordial Crossroad

            Complete Eel

            Complete Kraken

            Remove points in Primordial and Eldritch Crossroad

            Complete Empty Throne

            Complete Rhowan's Crown (Elemental Storm Assigned to Cadence)

            1 point in Order Crossroad

            Complete Turtle

            Complete Harvestman's Scythe

            Complete Jackal

            Complete Solael's Witchblade (Eldritch Fire Assigned to Canister Bomb)

            1 point in Chaos Order

            Remove all points in Jackal

            Complete Scholar's Light

            Remove all points in Sipder

            Complete Panther

            Complete Ulo the Keeper of the Waters or Solenm Watcher

            Complete Tree of Life

            1 free point, I put in Lion. You can put it any where you want


Yes, there was something wrong. I forgot to put a step to remove all points in Empty Throne and Ascendant crossroad after completed Havestman’s Scythe.

I corrected to route now, thanks for letting me know.

You’re welcome, dude. Il play this build and i haven’t yet brimstone, but i like it a lot. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Cool man :smiley:

Nice build!!!


First of all cool build. You found a way to make Brimstone work for a commando. I tried this build 5 months ago before the Justice set was revamped and hit a dead end because I was using firestrike and was not doing good damage. Never thought of cadence (which wasn’t buffed back then like it is today) bacuse I am also into concept builds like you and thought it would ruin the concept. It does not. good stuff.

Couple of questions. how do you feel about the amulet thread of mortality? Do you use it for Crucible only? Could you do without it?

Also relic. Oleron’s vs Pyroclasm?

Oleron has flat damg on it and can spawn with +1 to deadly momentum for even more flat damage.

I think i would also use pyroclasm in the end

I also like that you went for tree of life. Had doubts about it but changed my mind recently. Has an mazing ability that is always there when you need it. First instinct is to go for torch usually.

On my build I mixed oleron devotion damage and AOE + solael to help the fire dmage part and fire strike. I will maybe try same devotion setup but with cadence instead of firestrike like you. It won’t have the sustain your build has though.

Was there any other reason for you to not add an Arcane Lens to your necklace instead?

I have it equip just for about anything. 2H builds have only 1 slot in weapon, it’s hard to use Haunt Steel for life steal. I’ll lose some resistance, which I’m not willing to. Life steal from devotion is out of the question and I prefer Mark of Divinity over Black Star of Deceit. Thread of Mortality gives good resistances, hp/sec, life steal and good healing proc. Without it I think I’ll have trouble sustaining my HP. Doable? I think so, just not as smooth as it is.

I didn’t think of using Oleron’s Wrath at all, I thought of just focusing on fire and burn damage so Ulzuin’s Pyroclasm was the obvious choice for me. This was before I was thinking of using Cadence. Even now I think I’ll stick with Ulzuin’s Pyroclasm.

Arcane lens have low flat elemental damage (2-6), that’s like nothing, 3% spirit is 3 spirit every 100 spirit and I have about 300 spirit that gives me 9 spirit. Energy cost reduction is a total waste. 15% elemental damage is equal to Mark of Illusions. Mark of Illusions gives 12 spirit, flat energy regen and 12 DA. Mark of Illusions is just better than Arcane Lens for this build.