Community Localizations (v1.0.0.4)

Files for are attached.


Like a well oiled machine! Thanks Rhis!

Thanks Rhis :slight_smile:

thx a lot, Rhis

I woke up now, wow, thank you, Rhis! :smiley:

Very fine, thanks!

Thanks, Rhis! And now, Esclave du Reve, it’s your turn (we need the repository)!:stuck_out_tongue:

One of our players noticed that in tags_ui:
line1357 tagCharDefensiveBlockRecoveryReductionR=-({%.0f0}-%.0f1})% {^E}de Temps de récupération de bouclier
line1457 tagChanceOf={%.1f0}% {^E}{de chances de {^H}
line1458 tagChanceTo={%.1f0}% {^E}{de chances de {^H}
Is it normal?

Hello, all the translators!

Since my friend extracted the texts required for translation of v1.0.0.5, use it freely until the formal file for translation comes.

Although each text divides a main part and DLC, when using it for localization, put it into one ZIP file.

Wow, thanks.
Then we can get ahead with the work :slight_smile:

You are welcome. :slight_smile: And some text was changed by hotfix the other day. Although it is easy to access them, I place here the file changed for the check.

thanks a lot Matougi