Community Localizations (v1.1.1.1)

I can’t upload the French patch on the language server. It says “File too large or not a zip file, max size is 3074304 bytes!”. Is it temporary?

In response from Zantai, it was told that the conversation file that the NPC is currently using is object_secretritual_gdx1.cnv.
So, I made a text based on it. Please try it.

In file object_secretritual_gdx1 missed 2 string.

Yeah, now I compared object_secretritual_01.cnv and object_secretritual_gdx1.cnv with WinMerge, both were exactly the same.
I mean, these two files have the same contents but only different names.

Hello,I am a cooperator of Japanese translation.

I think that(and some Japanese players saying that)

・Language correspondence for Japanese on steam is “true”
(so they buy GrimDawn for trusting play in Japanese, everytime and soon).
・But when at Hotfix and Update,translation is slow or Bugs happen.
・If Language correspondence for Japanese on steam remains “true”, Dev team have to provide Official English text file more faster.
(then we will do translate works more faster and more easier.)
(Searching Version differences and Get English text from GameClient with using tools is much trouble and sometimes misstakes happen)

I think that,Dev team can provide Official English text file more faster(because “you” made it),and have to.
Is that wrong thinking? If so why?And why do not so?

Did you ever encountered font rendering issue when using Japanese translation? As one of main translators of Chinese localization. Many players reported to us that if they don’t replace the default CJK font by a custom font generated by community then the game easily goes black screen which is not playable at all.

Hi EsclaveDuReve,thanks to reply.

(I don’t say “Font issue”.But,)
We resolved “2bytes string renderring font issue” by using custom font already too.
Japanese default font is not correctly working and gameclient use system font(= outline-font) with re-rendering,so It crashes game easily(by use PC power).
We now use “bitmap-font”. It do not crash game.
We now don’t trust default font in game client.

I say that to Dev team (sorry, one more)
・Please provide “correct Official English for currentry ver.” more fast. (For every time)
・There are Quest texts changing (that Dev team no saying to us) in game client, sometime at game ver update. (For many time)
(And localized Quest texts differ sometime crashes user save data.)

So our translation team want Dev team that
・If game ver update comes,please “correct Official English text” come with too,fast.
Then we will make correct localized texts fast.

For ex:
[“correct Official English text” for V1112 hotfix to hotfix] is not provide us.
And we had to fix texts repeatly (for fix quest and conversation bug)(For many time).

We feel that,now we are not supported(by Dev team) enough to localization work.