Companion pet summon limit

game has 7 companion pets yet we can only summon 3 max what is the point of having them all then?all the grind i did cuz that was the last thing i did not own in this game these pets now i got them all and i can only summon 3 max… nc troll xD plz fix if possible

Games usually let you have 1 companion…we went with 3. In MP that can mean 12 derper pets running around…no plans to change this. :wink:

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angry dungeon siege noises

aha so there is a possibility to fix this in SP only you said it not me xD

Though Zantai stands correct. Most Games i know you can only have one Cosmetic Pet at the same Time ( Guild Wars 2, Diablo 3 etc) and heck even functional proper Pets if you look at as example, Torchlight 2 often too only one Pet. And tbh, i don’t see the issue anyway… he still have a collection to choose from(and as i pointed out in the GD Steam Forum, i not even knew / remembered that GD have more than one Cosmetic Pet to unlock [besides the 2 given in the loyalist packs])

Well, they only started appearing in Forgotten Gods so it’s not surprising you didn’t remember.

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Correction, prior to FG there were already 3 cosmetic pets to choose from

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Were there? What were the other two then? I only know of the Wisp.

there were the two types of crystals, hargate’s and kasparov’s

Oh yes, I forget about those because I haven’t gotten either yet. :woozy_face:

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