Components becoming garbage

I disagree. Most components can be used early game to help you and late game they are used for crafting.

I had over 100 bristly furs and about 70 searing embers and now I have none because I was crafting things for some new characters. When you get lots of reilc and item blueprints then you need alot of some components.

Something easy they could do is simply create an NPC that you can hand X of any component to, and in return he gives you a potion of wind walking. They increase your move speed by 5%, effect stacks up to 10 times, and the instant anything hits you or you attack or use a skill the buff ends.

Now any and all components have a use I wouldn’t mind picking them up for. Sometimes you just have to do a little cross country running through areas you’ve already cleared or don’t need clearing in the first place. Dying is the most obvious example, but there’s other times too. And honestly, it can get a little annoying. This would be mighty convenient for those times, but not really cause any kind of imbalance as it doesn’t offer you any power. Only convenience.

Anybody think they could make this in a mod? :stuck_out_tongue:

really, thats the solution? lets start crafting for friends and family ?:eek:

A solution I can think of is to create a contribution function for each faction that requires player to contribute a random set of components in exchange for reputation gain.

Maybe add the" completion bonuses" back, but not on completetion itself, but through an enchanter NPC in that you would need to offer a certain amount of components of the same tipe to get an “empowered” version of said component?

Example: Offering 5 Searing Ember + X amount of Iron will get you an Enchanted Searing Ember that has higher stat bonuses and a more powerful version of the Fireblast spell. You could even increase the lvl req for the Empowered component, if you don’t wanna lower lvl chars using “empowered” components, and the stat bonuses would be randomly generated on component enchantment. The amount of base components used for enchantment and Iron pricing would vary from rarity and lvl req… heck, to make it even more interesting, you could even add a chance of losing these components due to the enchanting failing! The rarer the component, the higher the chance of failing… :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll never understand why they removed completion bonuses from components but at the same time added something similar as part of faction augmentations. Also, why no upgraded version per difficulty like in TQ, maybe make them with bonuses then. It was handled better in TQ, less was better, and here, variation of components just gives me headache and half of them are just meaningless stat boosts.

Im quite newbie in GD - lvl 58 commando on Elite. Until now I used ONE component on my weapon (some fire dmg buff). I dont feel that I need to use more. Maybe later when game will be more difficult.