Components - Granted Skill Damage Percentages And Values May Mismatch

I noticed that Main Hand Damage (MHD) values do not always appear to correctly calculate / display on the hover-over tooltips when previewing the effects for your equipment.

For example – I am using Massare 2H axe; it does 78-183 Physical (PHYS), at 1.57 Attacks Per Second (APS). My base MHD is shown as 602-1143.

When hovering over Blessed Steel (BS) component, the Sacred Strike skill has the following line: 350% Main Hand Damage (1358-2255). That is not with any calculation 350% of my MHD. Instead, it is between 225% on the low end to 197% on the high end.

In contrast, when hovering over Blessed Whetstone (BW) component, the Behead skill have the following line: 280% Main Hand Damage (1685-3200). That is almost perfectly 280% of my MHD, being between 279.90% and 279.97% on the low and high ends, respectively.

To me, this looks like a bug, as I cannot see any logical reason for the mismatch, especially with such simple math. The BS component should show that it deals significantly more base damage, being between 2107-4001 damage, compared to the BW damage range of 1685-3200. Whether that is true in the real world or not, it seems the tooltip should reflect the proper values for their percentage-based Granted Skill damage ranges.

If there is something I am missing that prevents this bug from being accurate, feel free to close the report. However, if that is the case, I would argue there is something flawed with the way tooltip damage is displayed to the end user, and perhaps there should be appropriate adjustments made to the tooltips.

different % boosters, different stats?
tooltip factors in the conversion for blessed steel so you lose phys dmg scaling?



i have a bunch of physical dmg, but also some decent fire scaling to make up for that loss, but it’s still comign out to a little less than 350%, likely because because my cold and lightning scaling is lower than fire (which is 2/3rds of the converted dmg) so i get a net result of 343% here from being combined less than current phys/pierce/bleed scaling
meanwhile there is no conversion or scaling loss for whetstone so that remains basically 1:1 accurate

Thanks for the reply! I’ll work on doing some more calculations and comparisons to see if that is indeed what is going on, but an initial look-see after reading your comment seemed like I still couldn’t make the numbers add up. That said, it is very late (0530), so I could have missed something or miscalculated when doing the math – so I’ll double check when I get back on.

Happy gaming!

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