Compost yard behavior

Someone pointed me to the 0.7.6 patch notes for this on the Discord: “Compost Yards now automatically dispose of excess waste, allowing them to continue to collect waste even if all 3 compost storage areas are full.”

I am not seeing that behavior currently. I have a relatively stable city, ~1200, and ran into the situation that waste started building up, causing rats, and then bubonic plague as all of my compost yards were full. I wound up having to add several more to get it to calm down. If they were still collecting, it was not at the same previous rate.

While compost yards no longer fill up, preventing their function, it is still possible not to have enough of them to support your population.

You need a ratio of about 125 pop : 1 composter.
If they are to far away from town, you will need more.

У меня население 1900 селян, 25 компостных дворов вокруг города, они все заполнены, отходы не собираются , весь город в отходах

I can confirm that this is a problem with the current version 0.9.2c although it was already present in 0.9.1
Once the compost yard is full, no further human waste is collected.
Mildly disappointed that Zantai appears to be in denial of this bug by suggesting insufficient yards.
Building extra yards they full up too and once full also stop collection.
The only effective work around send to be to have many tiny fields so that the compost can be wasted as quickly as possible to keep the yards empty.

Is their status Idle Unable to Work?

@Zantai Yes, per screenshot, the employee is “Wandering - Unable to Work”

Ok upload that save please and we’ll take a look.

Saves are located in:

C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\Documents\my games\Farthest Frontier\Save

Zip up the entire TownName_###### folder along with the .map file and .sav that reproduces the issue. If the files are too big, you can use a service such as Google Drive to share it with us.

Will need access to that directory/files.

If all the slots are ready for fields (at compost stage) and no fields are available for composting, collection stops.

Just a very stupid idea: do you have enough farm fields? When all your fields are freshly fertilized, the compost will run full.

That is indeed the case.

Will be fixed in the next update.


Yes, 12 - 15 months of food consistently.