Conduit vs Essence of Grim Dawn for AAR

Having been out of the loop for ~6 months, I’m curious which is the superior ammy for a (spellbinder) AAR build? Or is it largely situational?

That’s a very good question. Conduit lost 1/3 of its sustain properties. That is a lot. It became kind of joke in the community that the build which was the strongest offensively had its defense nerfed more than anything else… Now you need over 24% global life steal to match EotGD’s 4% to AAR. That’s hard to get unless you push for Harbinger of Souls which basically uses up the extra points from +1 to arcanist.

But it’s still a conduit. Got resistances best in the amulet slot. +1 to Arcanist is still a massive stat. It’s still viable. That said, EotGD replaced the conduit in the fastest AAR setup (which isn’t Clairvoyant btw).

Okay thanks I see. I guess I will stick to EotGD since I’m having a helluva time trying to get the right affixes on the Conduit :angry: